Title: Fiction
Chapter: Part 2/2
Author: frolickings
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Sexual implications, language
Author's Note: The last part! Enjoy!
(Part One) (
When he's 16 years old, Hyunseung learns the significantly useful art of using his body against others. )
I used to write short one-shots but I'm never satisfied with them. It doesn't give you the same satisfaction, right?
World from books is idealistic. It teaches you all these good things which in the end don't help anyone in real life *sighs* But I feel you. I would take a farm somewhere in middle of nowhere lol
My mother tongue is so complicated that English is nothing compared. Been learning it for ages now so I'm happy I could fool you n__n
You deserved it. It felt good to be able to sing praises in a comment for once lol I do that rarely.
Odg, I feel embarrassed now though. I'm not too proud of my fics at all ;;
I'm glad you feel the same way! When I tell people I want a little isolated cottage by the sea, they're always wary and ask if I'm just being antisocial. ;; Ah, I just want to read books in peace!
How long have you been learning English for? Also, if you don't mind me asking, what's your mother tongue? I've been learning Chinese for four years and to this day, my teacher tries to carry conversations with me and I'm like standing here wondering if I've learned nothing at all lol.
Don't be embarrassed ~! You're so talented! I always get really excited when I see a talented, quality writer. ^o^
Believe me, the older you get, the more you want that. Quite a few of my friends would just like to escape life.
Uhm...I haven't learned English the standard way. My father tried to teach me when I was like 8. I had no interest and in the end learned it through the books my dad read me and I read myself later on (as well as my cray fascination with translating lyrics). When it comes to proper English classes, it's been 8 years maybe?
It's Polish B) And that reminds me of my Japanese. It's my 4th year learning it and I should be better by now orz
My tlist has a special tag for me, you know. It's #foreverunsatisfied I only like my recent block b fics ;;
Goodness, I can't imagine learning another language just from reading books. @__@ I admire your patience! The thought of me reading a book in Chinese makes my head ache a little, imagining all of those little characters smushed in. Anyway, I admire your genius skills at learning!! ;;
Polish is such a pretty language! ^___^ Oh, and you're tackling Japanese? They're both such cool languages. ;w;
Pffft, we're writers. We're never satisfied with what we write! But, yeah, I saw your Block B fics and I'm gonna start reading them tomorrow. I love the BBC fandom and the supply of awesome fanfiction. B-)
I don't enjoy reading books in Japanese but English has no kanji to mess with my brain XD
You know something about Polish? kwhrkwehrkwehr O:
But of course. I think the moment I start feeling satisfied, I will have to stop writing.
Well, now I feel nervous. Don't want you to feel disappointed. Hopefully you wonlt be ._.
feels like i'm spamming ur lj
Japanese kanji is so... cute! Lol, I know that sounds strange but I always thought the little round, loopy characters were so adorable. ;; Hehe, and yeah! I like to study languages and I always liked Polish, it sounds so cool when it's spoken. But I'm sure you disagree, especially because you have to hear it everyday!
There's no way I'll be disappointed, trust me~! Oh, you can always just PM me to continue this conversation. c:
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