❄ twelfth reminder

Nov 27, 2011 18:57

[ highway ; early morning ; open ]

[ As far as awakenings go, this one is definitely ranks up there for most unpleasant. If the sound of trucks rumbling by weren't enough, the dull pain from the previous day has turned intense. She's quiet, temporarily uninterested by investigation by looking for somewhere to hind, finding a little hole in some ( Read more... )

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A godisachild November 28 2011, 00:45:56 UTC
[Goddammit. What are you still doing out here Jade. Pokey isn't going to lie: he's kind of annoyed. Worried, but annoyed. He told you. He told you. He so frickin' told you.

Once he gets a good chase, he's running over to you.]

Jade? What are you still doing here?


frogst November 28 2011, 00:54:11 UTC
Pokey- [ She looks alarmed, definitely not wanting him to see the state her legs are in. ]

I just, um, [ She tries to come up with an excuse as to why she's still here other than 'it hurt too much to walk'. ] I don't, know...


godisachild November 28 2011, 01:03:22 UTC
[He doesn't notice, not yet, and just shakes his head wildly for a moment. Hurry up Jade.]

You just what? We've got to go, now.


frogst November 28 2011, 01:08:54 UTC
Alright, jeez, give me a second will you?

[ She doesn't move however, tries to wait until he's looking at something, anything, else before trying to get to her feet. ]


godisachild November 28 2011, 01:15:35 UTC
[Nope. Sorry Jade. All eyes on you. He waits for a moment before shaking his head in annoyance.]

What are you doing?


frogst November 28 2011, 02:25:41 UTC
[ God damn it Pokey. ]

I'm waiting for you to stop staring at me!


godisachild November 28 2011, 02:47:32 UTC
And I'm waiting for you to get up!

[No, that isn't concern in his voice.]

What, you that modest? You need me to look away so you can stand?


frogst November 28 2011, 03:37:13 UTC
[ She just glares at him, angry at herself more than anything. ]



Hope it's okay to hop in? imjustpicky November 28 2011, 04:41:14 UTC
[Oh, what's this? This appears to be a distraction, running on up.]

Pokey! Pokey! Hurry up! We...

Oh! Jade!

[Wait, wait, what's going on, here?]

Are you still tired?


fine by me! frogst November 28 2011, 05:24:33 UTC
[ Now this is a very welcome distraction. Jade's look of anger and frustration vanishes to give Picky a big smile. She's hoping this might be the distraction she needs to struggle to her feet without being seen. She's sure that once she actually gets up, she'll be fine. ]

Oh, no, I'm not so tired anymore.


Re: fine by me! godisachild November 29 2011, 01:19:13 UTC
[Still tired? He had told you to tell him if you needed a break earlier because of your-

Oh goddammit. Just noticing your legs now.]

Take my arm and pull yourself up, or I'm dragging you out of here.

[Which is the nicest way he can put how he wants to help you get out of here, Jade.]


frogst November 29 2011, 01:35:57 UTC
[ She hesitates, but gives in and reaches for his arm. She tries to stand in one quick motion and make it look as normal as possible. Unfortunately, this fails miserably, and only makes the pain worse. She bites down hard on her lower lip to keep quiet, but you'd have to be blind to not notice. ]

A- alright. I'm good.


imjustpicky November 30 2011, 23:53:33 UTC
Aaah! Jade!

[Picky is right up alongside her, trying to support her from the side that Pokey isn't on.]

You're not good! You're hurt! Here, here, lean on me! I'll help!


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