❄ eleventh reminder

Nov 18, 2011 21:54

[ action ; around mayfield ]

[ Gone. Everyone's gone. She's found little notes here and there, snippets that sound almost like parts of conversation, but they're all gone. Empty bedrooms, empty streets, empty everything. Maybe she should be happy. After everything they've all been through, they deserve this. They should be able to go home, to escape from her. If she has to stay here so everyone else can be safe, that should be okay.

But she doesn't want to be alone.

She's been wandering the streets of Mayfield for what feels like years, searching for someone, anyone. Even a drone would be a welcome sight. She might brush past you, bump into you without even realizing it, sniffling and peering into empty storefronts, down empty alleys.

Anyone. Just one person, just so she doesn't have to be all alone. Anyone. ]


[ phone ]

[ Jade's voice is barely a whisper, and she very obviously sounds frightened. This is worse than anything she can imagine, scarier than dying. ]

Hello? I- if there's anyone still here, anyone at all, then please- [ She hiccups, goes quiet for a minute. ] I don't want to be alone, not like this, please.
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