Avengers Rec

May 18, 2012 18:49

Waking the Dragon by tsukinofaerii (Steve/Tony, ~73,000 words). Fantasy AU. Tony als Gestaltwandler, der nicht die Gestalt wandeln kann, und Steve als feindlicher Soldat, dem eher zu trauen ist, als den eigenen Blutsverwandten. So was sollte man nur zum Wochenende linken, denn dafür braucht man Zeit, um es richtig zu genießen. Ein episches Abenteuer und die vielen Illustrationen verleihen dem Ganzen noch die richtige Note.
Since humanity first started spreading across the land, pushing dragons back by sheer numbers, tensions have been high between the species. War is nearly endless, and Prince Tony, the half-human heir of the dragons, is sick of it. When King Howard of the dragons is poisoned, the fate of everything sits in the balance. In desperation to save his own life and to prevent decades of fighting over the throne, Tony sets off to find a cure.
Down in the foothills, Legati Steven of the human army finds himself with a missing friend and assassin, a suspiciously cagy adviser to the ruler and a desperate need to be less interesting. In the interests of scuttling his own career, he starts on his own mission to find his answers. When he runs into Tony, they discover just how complicated things really are.


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