Was man alles tun muss, um an die Gen-Fiction einer Mag7-Autorin zu kommen, oder
To obtain a password you need to follow the procedure outlined. Step One: Join my update list
Step Two: Read the three stories that are available
Step Three: Copy and Paste the information below into an email and send it here. If you do not use this letter, your request will be deleted. If you do not agree with what is said in the letter, don't send it in the first place.
Hi Brigitta
I am writing to request a password so I can access your stories.
I wish to confirm the following.
1. I have joined your Update list. (If you haven't, do so. If you have, type yes)
2. I have read the three stories available. Please find my feedback below.
(Please type the word YES at the end of each sentence below so I know you have read and acknowledge the following)
I understand that
(a) it may take some time for my request to be processed and I will only send a second request if I don't hear from you for four weeks.
(b) that it is your right to choose who you share your stories with and therefore I must not share my password with ANYONE.
(c) for you, being a part of the fandom is about fun, sharing your stories and communicating with other fans to keep the boys riding... and while you are happy to invest time in friends who feel the same way (10 mins to set up an account and 5 mins every month to maintain it), you will simply delete the accounts of those who are only requesting a password for the free enteraintment.
(d> Acknowledging I've read your story takes ten seconds and isn't investing anything into the friendship so I can expect my account to be deleted. I understand that friendship is about both parties contributing something so If I want to maintain a friendship with you, I understand that I need to invest some time as well. Eg. chatting about the boys or sending detailed feedback.
(d) the reason you protect yourself with passwords is because you've been flamed before and don't want your students to have access to them. While I may think this is overkill, I understand that this is how it has to be and I won't complain about it.
(e) you decide what level of access I receive and this will be based on the amount of time I'm willing to invest into our freindship.
My details are as follows.
NAME: (type your name)
EMAIL ADDRESS: (type the email address you will use to contact me)
WAY I SIGN MY EMAILS (type how you sign an email if different to your name. Why? For example - Some people type bJ at the end of an email. They tell me their name is Sarah, their email address is Bettyboop@yahoo and their Yahoo ID is S.Batters. There is no way for me to know who on earth bj is.)
YAHOO ID: (type the yahoo id you signed into my list with)
Take care (YOUR NAME)
Yep, it’s that simple.
Und das ist nur der Anfang! Meine Reaktion ging von Verwunderung zu WTF? zu schallendem Gelächter. Für Gen-Fiction? Wirklich? Ahahaha!!!