... sammeln die anderen Links, um ihre Nerven zu beruhigen. Was *machen* die da? (= USA/Italien, WTF?! Die USA müssen das Spiel gewinnen, sonst sind sie draußen! ;_;)
legoline will wissen:
How do you German / other by rights non-English speaker do it? How do you write fanfiction in a language that isn't yours and even claim it comes easier to you than writing in your mothertongue? And how do you make it it turns out good?
sandrine linkt zu einem Artikel von
Bret Easton Ellis on Tom Cruise. Schein und Sein, der nette Junge als Symbol des Männlichen, Medien, der Trend der 90er, etc.
vashtan macht mal wieder eine
kulturelle Identitätskrise durch. I feel reminded of myself, not daring to set any story anywhere but the US, because that is where cool stories happen (ah, yes, Hollywood held my young brain as a sex slave), and nothing cool ever happens at home.
spn_german hat eine Reihe von Rec Posts:
Supernatural Gen Recs More Supernatural Gen Recs Sam/Dean Recs Supernatural RPS Recs In Magnificent Seven News:
Review of the episode 'Working Girls' mit Abstecher zum Nathan/Ezra-Konflikt. Yay hookers. Probably there has never been a film/television show about the Old West that didn't somehow involve prostitutes.