Apr 18, 2004 14:20
I'm freaking online again! It's like an act of God has to strike me with lightning, drown me in the ocean, cause me to win the lottery twice for over ten million dollars, eat my own feet off with taco sauce, dance nekkid in front of little babies, behead their parents, drown them in the ocean, walk on hot coals with electricity running through my veins the entire time, and just when I'm hungry enough to begin gnawing on my left hand, I finally find myself with access to the internet. Then when I have a minute to type, I end up being vulgar like this. My friends rejoice. yay.
There isn't any news, or anything (so I hope you weren't waiting to exhale), and I have no creativity left in me at the moment to be funny for my favorite freaks. Ya never know, though, maybe I'll find more access, but there's no one left to freak out or kill whilst I'm waiting...