All Hail The Heartbreaker - Chapter 8

Mar 26, 2012 23:26

Disclaimer: I have invested heavily in Acme traps however Ivy and Rachel continue to outwit my attempts to catch them. The title is from Beautiful Child by Fleetwood Mac.

A/N: Oh my god how long can it take to write a chapter? This chapter kicked my ass. I would also like to say people who push people over on trains should have their knees bashed ( Read more... )

heartbreaker, fanfic, ivy and rachel

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Comments 14

moon_vamp_asc March 27 2012, 01:58:06 UTC
nnnooooo! dont stop there it was just starting to get to the gasping 'what are you talking about?' parts. still love the story and thanks for the explanation segment


dear_heart89 March 28 2012, 05:46:21 UTC
Your update is brilliant Cookie and I can't wait to see where you plan on going with this, I really like the idea of Ivy and Rachel being married and I have to agree with Moon....nooo don't stop there ; )


thanks for reviewing frogscookie April 3 2012, 00:19:57 UTC
Hey Moon vamp ( ... )


kali_blue March 28 2012, 07:13:19 UTC
This is very inventive and awesome. You have taken KH's initial idea and twisted and turned it into a believable tale of both ancient and current power of struggles and the bonds that can grow. Frankly KH never bothered to develop or explain a relationship of the vamps and demons and how they existed. Brilliant! I am loving the explanations of the marks on Ivy and the promises pledged to each other, Rachel's new shape and memory loss. Married consorts ~~LOL that is fantastic.


frogscookie April 3 2012, 00:25:33 UTC
Hey Kali blue ( ... )


anonymous April 2 2012, 07:10:12 UTC
Awwww man! Don't stop! It's just getting good!


anonymous April 6 2012, 02:28:42 UTC
Nice! Can't wait for that confrontation!


anonymous April 12 2012, 01:10:14 UTC
I'm hooked! Please continue. Bad place to let it hang!


anonymous May 28 2012, 16:43:22 UTC
I just found your story recently and I have devoured it like a beloved book. I once couldn't wait to read this series, but finally gave up in frustration. I would love to see you branch out of fanfic and perhaps write some original stories that you could e- publish ala HP Mallory. You have the imagination, let it run free...but don't stop writing this!


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