Still Cursed

May 05, 2011 23:37

Chapter 5 part two

As ever i own nothing - see previous chapters for a more wordy denial of ownership (I'm tired, you know i dont own anything already if i did we would have had nothing but smut for like 5 books by now)

A/N: finafuckingly i am finished with this damn chapter. Sorry for the long delay - please dont throw rotten fruit at me, i get enough of that at work.

Hmmm what to say about the chapter, I think i tried to do to much in this chapter and it has suffered because of that.

Thank you as ever to Aida for helping me with this chapter, her advise, insights and ability to put up with my mood swings and temper are invaluable.

*hugs* to everyone brilliant and kind enough to review the story so far, like everyone else i am always very grateful to get a review :-) Thank you.

Chapter one
Chapter two
Chapter three
Chapter four
Chapter five part one

Serena's car keys were in my hand as I strode confidently into the car park, I forced my feet to keep moving to keep up appearances of calm and control. I would have sworn that my boots made no noise on the tarmac except I was sure I could hear a word whispered with each foot fall. Wrong, step wrong, step. I had to keep going I was doing the right thing but my feet kept disagreeing. My eyes searched the rows of cars, reaching into my pocket. I took out my cellphone hitting speed dial number three I waited for it to be answered. It didn't take long for the line to click and connect.

"Ivy, what can I do for you?" I could almost see Rynn as the soft cultured voice washed out of the phone and over me.

"I want Marissa declared an enemy of the camarilla I'm going after her and I'm going to kill her twice." My voice was strong. I could and would do this but formalities needed to be abided by.

"Oh? Why would I declare Marissa an enemy? Her line is very respectable and I find her to have her uses." Amusement peppered his voice, he already knew what had happened. And instead of being outraged, he was amused. I spotted Serena's car and I stalked over towards it, slipping into vampire speed as I fought to control my temper.

"She broke our laws; she tried to take what was miiiine." The word was hissed from between my teeth and closed my eyes searching for calm. "I have every right to request she be declared an enemy and that I be allowed to kill her." I was trying to keep how pissed off I was out of my voice but I doubt I was succeeding.

"Sorry Ivy, I just don't see it. I was warned that you and Marissa had problems, I am disappointed you would resort to such tactics. I'm not sure where these false accusations are coming from, but I'm afraid I can't allow you to kill a valuable living vampire member of this camarilla." His voice was calm and fully of fake concern but I could hear the amusement lacing it.

"You're denying my request." My words were flat, I stopped in the middle of the car park and looked my cell. He was honestly going to try and deny me Marissa's head. This couldn't be happening.

"You have every right to make the request, and I have every right to deny it." The fake fatherly quality to his voice made me snap my teeth. The son of a bitch. I started walking again; I was almost at the car now.

"And if I kill her anyway?" He had to know I would never allow this, I would kill Marissa, there simply wasn't anything else that could happen.

"Then you're a vampire defying her master and I have every right to deal with the issue as I see fit. Perhaps it's time that Rachel's care was placed in the hands of a more persuasive vampire, one who would perhaps not fail to protect her. I'm sure Rachel would appreciate the change in arrangements and I'm sure you would as well. I believe your mother has set up a meeting with the Cooke line, perhaps your mother is right it may be time for you to marry and produce some heirs." Not only he was mocking me, he was enjoying this. Despite his claims to be on board with our agreement he was undermining me and perhaps actively working against me. I would never allow him to take Rachel from me, he had to know that.

The cellphone creaked ominously in my hand and I forced myself to relax my grip. "You're not my master." The words were as cold and emotionless as ice.

"Now Ivy, we both know that's not true. In the eyes of the camarilla I'm your master and if you publicly disobey me then I'll publicly punish you." He didn't say it, but then he didn't have to - I could hear the 'I dare you'. I clicked the button on Serena's keys and the sporty BMW convertible unlocked. Grabbing the door I yanked it open with more force than was strictly necessary, given the circumstances Serena was lucky to still have a door.

"I won't allow this insult to stand." I snapped the phone closed and threw myself into the leather seat, slamming the door behind me. "God damn him, God fucking damn him!"

Rynn POV

I chuckled into the disconnected line. That's what I'm counting on, my dear. Slowly closing the phone, I placed it onto the small table at my side. Re-crossing my legs, I turned my gaze to the pathetic excuse of a living vampire in front of me. She was on her knees, her eyes downcast and her hair matted with blood. She was still bleeding and much of the damage to her face would leave permanent scars unless treated soon. Still, she was breathing and conscious - it was more than one could reasonably expect given who she had been up against.

"You were given a very simple task. Yet you seem to have failed most spectacularly. You failed to bind the witch, you failed to take her from Ivy and you failed to keep Ivy from discovering your involvement. I am most disappointed." I let my eyes rest on her, watching as her heart sped and her muscles contracted as her body told her to run from the predator. "I wonder if I should simply kill you twice, throw your body in the river and laugh as Ivy goes slowly mad hunting you." I had meant it simply as a motivational threat but now, as I turned the idea over in my head, it seemed to have a degree of logic. Indeed watching that upper class cow running around chasing shadows might even be enough to make me smile. I raised the glass of whiskey to my lips; yes the idea certainly had merit.

Tendrils of fear caressed my senses as the whiskey slipped down my throat and I dropped my eyes to rake across the women on the floor once more. It could be fun to sake my lusts on her. Unfortunately Ivy would smell me on her and that just wouldn't do. I rotated my wrist making the amber liquid swirl around the glass. "Do you have anything to say?" She shuddered as my voice washed over her, her teeth worried her lip nervously. Yes she would look very nice bent over and bleeding, well, bleeding more.

"I lacked vital knowledge." The tongue flicked out wetting bruised lips. "I didn't know that she was a good enough Merlin to be able to call her demon even with a charmed silver cuff on. But I can kill Tamwood." Her voice was stronger now, and there was a look in her down turned eyes which said she really believed that. I had the vague idea that before my rebirth I would have been amused by her claim - perhaps I even would have laughed. "With the Merlin in hospital there will be no demon this time and without a demon to fight for her Tamwood will lose against me."

The glass clunked lightly as I placed it on the table, my body slipping forward from the chair towards the girl. She froze solid. Ah so she had learnt something from Piscary. I bent close, the blood dripping from her ruined face slowly, alluringly. And I considered drinking from her or at least taking a lick from her face. But unfortunately that would leave too much of a trace, one that Ivy might smell. I leaned in, my face the barest measurement away from touching. I moved over her, drawing the scents of her clothes and skin in deep and filtering them into their various components. It was faint but the stench of demon was there. I drifted back to my chair thoughtfully. The ability to call demons to her even while her magic was stunted, I would have to add this to the list of Miss Morgan's considerable talents. Or perhaps charmed silver failed to fully sever her connection to the ley lines? Hmmm, possibilities, so many delicious possibilities.

I slipped again the warm amber liquid I no longer felt the pleasure that consuming this drink had brought me before my first death. However it had always provided me a legitimate reason for pausing before answering questions or addressing issues, and that remained the case. Besides for some reason this remained a habit which I had to complete, there must be order, a pattern or those capable of thought could not cope. Fighting such patterns seemed to burn through the blood we took from humans so much quicker.

There was a theory based on research conducted on expendable lower vampires which theorised certain patterns of behaviour where so ingrained in to the structure of the brain they formed part of how Inderlanders created and maintained their auras. Once a vampire died those channels remained and although incapable of creating an aura, the researcher theorised that they acted instead as regulators and anchors for the auras stolen from those we fed on.

It was an intriguing theory, one I would have liked to have seen explored further. However her master found out about her research. Marcus had felt the research pointless and a risk, as it could expose our need to steal auras from others to the public. So instead of funding her research, Marcus had punished her with a rather gruesome and humiliating double death.

I looked down at my own disposable test subject. I would send her out to meet her death in Ivy's skilled embrace, and then I would use her death as justification for finally putting Ivy in her place. She had proved incapable of making progress with the witch, it was time for a stronger hand. Either this game would end with me processing a puppet in the shape of a broken Tamwood heir or Rachel would be forced to protect Ivy.I needed Ivy alive to motivate Rachel to discover the secret of allowing a vampire to maintain their soul after death.

The power such a discovery, would give to the vampire race would be phenomenal. The power the vampire who discovered and controlled that secret would wield would be without comparison. It would unite the vampires in the same way that the focus could unite the weres. Not to mention that without the Tamwood heir endorsing me and waiting in the wings, others would fight me trying to take my place as head of the camarilla. Besides Ivy was a wonderful trophy to have in my collection.

I was confident that the danger to Ivy would force Rachel and Ivy closer, encouraging the budding relationship between them. Rachel's desire to protect and care for Ivy was very strong, almost vampiric. The urge to protect Ivy had happened before and had resulted in the incarnation of the then master of the city - I did not wish history to repeat itself. I was confident I could force the two together and ensure Rachel was focused on the issue of securing Ivy's soul, without having their attention turn to me too strongly.

"One final chance, Marissa... Kill Ivy Tamwood twice. Return to me in failure again and your first death will be most unpleasant, and should you fail to escape her then no doubt your death will be just as unpleasant." Her face paled and I wondered if her excuse for a mind had suddenly caught up with what she had committed herself to. "You may leave now. This time try to return victorious." I almost snorted at the idea of her succeeding. She rose to her feet and began to stumble towards the door. "Oh, and Marissa?" She turned to face me, expressionless and listless, would she even be able to injure Ivy? "Try not to get blood on my floor again it would be a shame for me to have to punish you."

"Yes master" she nodded, turning away, her back straightening. Piscary's children were all the same they understood punishment and the threat of it. Such treatment placed them on familiar ground and they fell back on coping mechanisms learnt over decades of abuse. The door closed softly behind her. She would fail to kill Ivy but hopefully she would succeed in
her real mission even if she didn't know what that mission was.

Ivy's POV

I was almost halfway home and I knew who I had to call. No matter how much I might not want to involve her, she was the only one I knew who wouldn't side with Rynn and would be able to give me the information I needed. Sighing I picked my phone up off the passenger seat and dialled my mother. I tried to ignore the stab guilt over what had happened to Rachel as I imagined the heart attack she would have had if she'd been here. Her poor heart did a hummingbird impression every time my eyes left the road, it was quite adorable.

"Hello, Ivy, This is unexpected. Why are you calling?" I managed to resist the urge to close my eyes and sigh, but only just. How could she sound so motherly? She had no right.

"I need your help" At least I managed to keep my voice flat and business like.

"What's happened? Have you been hurt?" her voice was low, menacing, and I winced.

"I need a favour."

There was a long pause and I wondered what the undead that wore my mother's face was thinking.

"This is unexpected, sweetie. I believe you told me only a month ago that you would rather burn in hell than ask for my help." Her voice sounded distant and couldn't tell what she was thinking. I had never been able to tell and I hated it.

I gripped the phone tightly. "This isn't about me, mother. I need to know where Marissa is hiding." I tried to keep my rage from infecting my voice but I knew it came through loud and clear.

"Oh? What has the dear girl done now?" There was puzzlement in her voice and I felt something in my chest un-knot. I really wasn't sure how I would have reacted if my mother had refused me, or been amused.

"She attacked Rachel." Another long pause followed.

"Is Rynn aware of this?"

"Yes. He refused to declare her an enemy, but I won't allow her to get away with this. Mother, I need your help to track her down."

"Do you intend to kill her?" Her voice was intense. Maybe I should have considered my answer but my mouth answered before my brain had even finished processing the question.

"I'm going to rip her apart."

"Good. That's very good to hear, letting such an insult to the Tamwood name stand would be signing your own death warrant." The rarely heard praise in her voice startled me for a second.

"How many times do I have to tell you? I don't give a flying fuck about the Tamwood name, this is about Rachel." Deep breaths, I had to just calm down. I glanced down at the speed and forced myself to ease off the gas, if I got Serena a ticket for doing 120mph she would not be happy. "Look, mother, I know that you don't approve of my… choices, but we both know I don't have the sources that you have when it comes to Marissa. You can get me her location much quicker. And you said it yourself, this is an insult to our line, it's in your best interests to help me."

My mother laughed and I felt the hairs on the back of my neck stand on end. "Sweetie, there was never any question of me not helping you, you're my daughter. The real question is whether you're really ready to take this step."

"What do you mean by that?" I knew as soon as I said it, I was going to regret asking.

"You are about to openly defy the Master Vampire, furthermore you are in fact acting like a master - passing judgement on a member of the camarilla. Do you think that is something which will pass unnoticed? Do you think that is something Rynn can afford to let you do without punishing you? You will be making a mistake if you simply kill Marissa." My mother was talking about murder but listening to her voice I felt like I was seven again, sitting on my mother's knee as she explained the way gravity and the universe worked . Her voice was made up of that same mix of earnestness and happiness, how could she be dead and unfeeling yet sound the same?

I sighed, passing a blue minivan that seemed to believe that no one needed to drive faster than 60. "You just expressed your pleasure at my decision to kill her, and now you're telling me not to? What do you want me to do mother? I have to be able to back up my threats if I can't then…" I trailed off, we both knew what would happen.

"Please, try to pay attention. I never said you shouldn't kill her, indeed I would be extremely disappointed if you didn't. However, you need to understand it isn't as simple as that. If you are going to act like a master vampire, then you have to accept the consequences, and you know as well as I do that you cannot stop with just Marissa. If you are the master vampire of this camarilla and Marissa attempted to poach your scion then the punishment must extend to the rest of her line."

Silence. What could I say to that? She was right, but could I kill Marissa's family? Was that who I wanted to be? Was that who I had to be? Was their blood the price of being able to live in the church with my witch and pixies?

"If you do this, then you have to be prepared to embrace your birth right. No more stewards, no more stalling. You have to depose Rynn and take your place at the head of this camarilla, your scion by your side and the blood of your enemies at your feet. If you can't do that, then you need to step aside and let the insult stand."

"Her sister is only five." I couldn't kill a child, I just couldn't. Bile rose in my throat at the thought and my foot lifted off the accelerator.

"Well…" Her voice took on a sly pensive quality that it always had when she was plotting. "You could spare the child, being a master doesn't mean you cannot show mercy. It means the power to decide. Of course if you show mercy to one …" her voice trailed off but I heard the unspoken words - the others have to die so terribly that no one can think you weak. "I know its hard, little one, but the child would live and any family would understand the reasons for their deaths - they would probably be grateful that you were being merciful enough to save the child. The choice before you is simple - make the hard decisions and keep your witch, Erica and the rest of us free and safe. Or allow Marissa to go unpunished and spend the rest of your days trying to stop others using your witch and sister for their own pleasure." The inevitability of what I was going to have to do was clear in her voice. She was right and we both knew it.

I didn't know what to say. I blinked and realised I was parked in front of our little garage by the side of the church. When had I got here? Could I do what my mother was suggesting? I shuddered as I tried to imagine killing Marissa's whole family and turning the child over to my mother to raise. With her family dead, and her line dissolved I would be responsible for the child. Tradition dictated that she should become a member of my line, I couldn't raise a child whose parents I murdered. Erica was too young and she deserved better than having to give up her teenage years to raise a child her sister made an orphan. That just left my mother, and an undead mother was no mother at all.

But I knew the depths that the camarilla could drag those who were unprotected down to, and if Rynn was prepared to stand back; then I was the only one who could protect them. My mother was, while respected, not feared enough. Nor was she inclined to step in and protect Rachel from anyone who wanted a quick snack. I had to protect her and that meant at the very least Marissa had to die. I didn't need to decide about the rest yet.

"Marissa has to die, we can decide about the rest of her family later. I need to go."

My mother hummed in surprise, "You really care for this witch."

I sighed and leaned back in the seat, my head hitting the head rest and stared at the roof of the car. "Yes, mother I really do, and her name is Rachel. So will you find me Marissa's location?"

"Of course I will, why don't we make it a mother/daughter event hmm? We can avenge your witch together?" I closed my eyes. Only my mother could suggest, and sound excited about, carrying out a murder with her daughter.

"Just get me the address, mother." I felt so old sometimes.

"I'll have the location in the next couple of hours. I'll call you back with the address and you can plan it all out, I know how much you enjoy that. Then at nightfall we will feast on her together. We can plan the punishment of the others together and your family will stand beside you as you carry it out. Their punishments will prove your right to rule, dead, or alive and we can deal with the interloper. Don't worry about a thing, sweetie, I knew you would embrace your heritage eventually." She sounded excited at the prospect. Personally I felt like throwing up.

The church was quiet and empty. I felt unbalanced and unreal. I needed to get control. I stood in the middle of the sanctuary trying to ground myself. Deep steady breaths filled my lungs with the unique mix of scents that could only be home. Far from calming me down, it made me feel worse, seeming to highlight the fact I was alone, that Rachel was lying in a hospital bed. And I had left her there.

Flipping my phone open, I dialled Cali's number again. "Hi, Ivy, are you okay? Did something happen? You've only been gone half an hour." the were's voice was worried but controlled.

"Is Rachel awake? Has Dr Mape said anything about how she is or when she'll wake up?" despite my words my voice sounded flat and distant.

"Mape won't tell us anything, but Rachel's still asleep. We let them take her up to be x- rayed but we stayed with her the whole time. Serena has been trying to keep an eye on the drugs their using, mostly painkillers and she thinks some to treat irregular heart rhythms." Her voice had almost a soothing tone.

I wanted to ask something stupid. I wanted her to put the phone besides Rachel so I could hear her heartbeat and the soft sound of her breathing. Stamping down on the desire as hard as I could, I somehow managed to ask Cali to put the doctor on the phone.

"Hello? Ms Tamwood?" I thought I could almost make out the sound of Rachel breathing and I stayed silent trying to focus on it. "...either answer me or hang up, I've no time for games."

My voice was huskier than normal as I answered "I'm here doctor, can you tell me what my witch's condition is?"

"Hmmm..." her disapproval vibrated through the phone "...we have given her a transfusion of 2 pints so far. That seems to have stabilised her heart enough that I'm no longer quite so concerned about the threat of her heart arresting. Although it's still a possibility, she needs more blood yet to get her body back to where it should be. Two of her ribs are broken, she was very lucky not to suffer a punctured lung. Three other ribs also have mild cracks in them. The good news is her jaw wasn't broken, and we've reset her nose. The bad news is that her left cheek bone is shattered very badly and without magic will be exceptionally painful to repair. Unless I can find a witch willing to treat her, we may need to consider surgery. I was forced to suture some of the … lacerations you pointed out to me. They should heal fine, but will be uncomfortable for her and will scar. It's likely she has a concussion, I managed to rouse her momentarily before she passed back out which is a good sign and her pupils react well to light. Almost the entirety of her back is bruised, some of which is bone deep. I'd lie her on her front but with her ribs it's a very bad idea. Oh and she lost a tooth, which judging by the x-rays she swallowed." On the surface Mape's voice was all business, she could have been discussing which shampoo I should buy. But there was an undercurrent of anger which soothed me. Rachel was a person to her.

"When do you expect her to wake up?"

"We'll wake her every hour but it's doubtful she will really be aware of that for some time. It depends on the person, but I won't expect her awake and with us for at least 8 hours, having said that she may not really wake up for a couple of days." I could tell she was becoming impatient with me.

"Thank you, please pass me back"

"Ivy?" Cali said hesitantly.

"Take care of Rachel, I will try to be back soon. Call me if Rachel wakes up or something changes." I hung up before she could say anything else, I wasn't up to dealing with sympathy.

I had a bit of time before my mother managed to find the address. I needed to shower, change, and grab my sword. I wasn't going to go out and commit murder with my mother, I would do this on my own just as I had told Jenks.

Rachel's blood was brown and dried into my skin. Her blood stained and stiffened my clothes, darker than any spilled red wine. God, I need a shower. I wish I hadn't involved my mother in this. Even before she was undead she acted more like an undead than most, there are times when I really hate my mother.

'Now, Ivy girl. That is no way to think of your mother. She worked hard to protect you.' Piscary's voice was going to drive me crazy.

'She knew exactly what you were doing to me and she didn't just stand back, she gave you her fucking blessing to do as you liked with me! Every time she handed me over to you and walked away.' I thought back at him, I wasn't going to start replying out loud to him. Damn it I was too wound up to deal with my own delusional brain right now. I reached over and twisted the bath taps on.

'Such anger at your mother, my little Inanna. You were mine the moment you were conceived and I was there to witness that moment.' he chuckled low and rich. Goose pimples broke out all over my skin. I hated and adored that pet name, it made me feel special, loved, and then I grew older and it became the name he called me whenever I committed some act of violence or sex that pleased him.

'You watched my parents?' The thought of Piscary witnessing my parents' intimacy was disturbing.

'Of course, I started your line and a master has a duty to watch over those families under his protection. It was expected that I would witness such things to ensure the quality of the match. I think your mother knew the moment you were conceived, she turned to me with such a look upon her face.' The voice almost glowed with satisfaction.

'You had no right to be there, or to do what you did to me.' The bath was ready and I slipped in to the hot water the scented bubbles brushing my skin gently.

'You and I both know that is not the truth. You are more mine than you are your mother's. You belong to me, you always have. I fed your mother that night and every night she was pregnant with you. You are made by my blood and June handed you straight to me. Never has anyone taken my blood as sweetly as you did that first time.'

My heart began to pound and I struggled to calm myself down. His voice was nothing but a delusion. At least that I wanted to believe. 'What do you mean?' I asked fearing the answer.

'Let me show you.' A shiver ran down my spine as my mind showed me memories I had no knowledge of.

The hospital room was bright, a woman sat in a bed her knees drawn up and ebony hair plastered to her skin. A doctor sat between her legs peering intently as Piscary loomed over him. And a child took their first breath and used it to scream at the world. The new mother, unable to rest as she worked to pass the placenta.

The doctor fussed, checking the child over thoroughly before pronouncing her healthy and handing her to the exhausted woman.

"Leave us." Piscary's voice brooked no argument and the doctor bowed and scurried out of the room.

The woman glared at Piscary new energy seeming to fill her. "I won't let you do to her what you did to me." She gripped the new-born more tightly.

"My beauty, why would I treat her in the same manner I did you?" He smiled kindly down at her his hand reaching out to tuck a strand of hair behind her ear. "I made so many mistakes with you." Piscary looked exactly as he always did, like a kindly man his clothes casual and his voice fatherly.

Suspicion marred the woman's slightly Asian features. "I won't hand my daughter over to you."

The smile burst into a grin "You really believe you can deny me? When the very reason you lie in that bed is because I ordered it. You will not hand her over to me?" There was a hint of mockery, he knew he had the match won even before it started.

"Yes and I won't hand her over, not now... not ever." The woman's voice wavered but her chin remained up defiantly and she refused to look away.

"My poor little June." He sighed and turned his kind eyes to look upon the baby in her arms. "You are still so young, the child belongs to me. All that you have done is to cause me to have punish you. If you try to deny me my rights as founder, then I will simply take the child by force and make you a toy anyone can enjoy. Robert is no longer of use to me and I will have him killed twice by the end of the day and the child will live with me. Perhaps this is my own fault for giving you the honour of being my scion despite your failures. I have been far too lenient with you." Piscary's hand was gently stroking June's hair as tears rolled down her face.

"Please, please have mercy" June's voice was weak and broken.

"Obey me and I will be merciful."

"You promise me that you won't kill her."

"She is the child of my heart"

The young girl took a shaky breath "Promise you won't kill her and she will live with me and Robert."

"Very well, my Isis, I will grant you this, you have my word" he sounded amused as if laughter bubbled in his throat.

"Thank you. I ask only two other things and if you agree then I will..." she made a slight choking sound, wincing as she forced the words out "...I will give you my blessing to, to …"

Piscary took mercy on her, shifting to sit on the bed his arm going across her shoulders and he delivered a kiss to the top of her head. "what are these two last favours you would ask of me?"

"She doesn't stay the night with you until she is a woman and if I become pregnant again then the Randal heir is free of your … attentions."

Piscary smiled and nodded "Very well, I can agree to that. You ever attempt to stop me or withdraw your blessing then I will drain you and Robert both and use your blood to strengthen your daughter. Which reminds me have you chosen a name?"

June nodded her face even paler. "Her name is Ivy."

"Ah, a pretty name. Give Ivy to me." Piscary voice was kind and loving his eyes sparkling as he shifted off the bed, holding his hands expectantly. June shook and tears rolled freely down her white cheeks as she passed the small precious bundle to the powerful vampire.

Piscary smiled down at the sleeping babe in his arms. His soft voice flowed out the words delivered in the language of his mother. "You are a child of my heart and perhaps this time my experiments will go far enough and I will create in you the companion I deserve."

Piscary placed his thumb between his lips briefly, the thumb descended towards the baby thick black blood clearly visible. His thumb rested atop of the babe's closed lips and the baby's instinct to suckle caused the lips to try and engulf the invader. The baby began to thrash and squirm as the viscous blood burned its way into her system. Piscary cooed as he held her close keeping his thumb in place.

"Stop you're going to kill her, please she's too weak to survive your blood." June's voice was hoarse, and she tried to move to the edge of the bed in order to be able to reach Piscary and her daughter. Piscary drew his thumb away and the baby began to cry, still thrashing in his arms as the effects of the blood overload her system. Piscary's dark eyes watched June's weak struggles and he smiled.

"There is no need to be so concerned. Why do you think I had you consume so much of my blood during the pregnancy? My little Ivy girl is well accustomed to my blood, it is good for her. It is only fitting she drink the true source of life before her mother's milk. A shark grows strong on a diet of blood not milk." He moved back closer to the bed an placed the baby back into her mother's arms patting the still screaming child gently on the head, he chuckled and grinned at June like a proud father. "Well I had best go make sure that they inform your Robert of this great news. I will return to see my Ivy girl tomorrow."

The bath water was still warm but shivers ran up and down my body uncontrollably. 'What else did you do to me that I don't know about?'

'Everything I did was within my rights to do. It was for your own good. Do you not see you are stronger, quicker and more advanced than any other living vampire and it is because of my vision.'

'You had no right.'

'I had every right. You were wonderful to behold growing up. You had such a thirst for blood I wondered if when you became a true undead you would truly be able to quench it. I still wonder if once you become a true vampire you will need more blood than any other undead.'

'I don't need blood and I don't need you. You're nothing, a remnant, I figment of my imagination and I won't listen to your lies anymore.' I began scrubbing my skin clean, trying to ignore everything.

'Oh, Inanna! I am so much more than a figment of your over active imagination but in your heart you know that. Your mother is right you should kill the family, you must drink them dry even the child. Blood and fear are the only things you will ever understand or be good at. It is time you became the cause of death again you have allowed yourself to become too tamed by your witch.' His voice was chiding and I could picture myself being pulled on to his lap, his arm wrapped around my waist. Just as he used to do any time he felt I needed to be set straight.

I took a deep breath determined to ignore him. I pushed myself under the water relaxing as silence descended. After a few seconds I surfaced and pulled the plug letting the bath drain as I sat there for a moment before getting out. Once it finished draining I rinsed the tub quickly before filling it once more with hot water and climbing back in.

It had taken three hours for my mother to get to me with an address. By which point I was ready to go. I was taking a leaf out of Rachel's book. I wasn't without a plan but it was just that the plan was simple - kill Marissa before she went further into hiding or my mother and Jenks turned up and demanded to go with me. I had logged on to Google earth and taken a look at the address, it was a simple warehouse. The property records showed that the previous owner had defaulted on the mortgage years ago and the warehouse still belonged to the bank. I had driven Serena's car, the last thing I needed was for some idiot cop to try and pull me over because i was riding a motorbike with a sword strapped to my back.

I cut the engine and let the car coast past three warehouses before stopping it near to the one I wanted. The warehouse was a cold industrial statement power which was slowly rotting in to the ground. The faded paint displayed a once proud name, the brand was dead, the building was dying and soon everyone inside would be the same. I drew my katana. There was no point in pretence, my steps were sure, even, I was committed, no matter what it cost: I was going to kill Marissa.

I could hear them scurrying around inside the warehouse like rats now, they knew I was here. I hadn't expected Marissa to have found any help, but i wouldn't be able to look myself in the mirror knowing I had walked away from a chance to kill the person who hurt Rachel. Without breaking my stride, my foot flew out hitting the metal door, the impact shuddering up my body and my knee screamed a complaint, but I had judged it right. The door screeched as it parted company with its frame and travelled backwards into the warehouse. There was a crunch of metal hitting bone and I wondered if it was enough to take the person out of the fight.

I counted six heartbeats, at least three of them belonged to living vampires based on the rate and sound - slower and richer than that of a human or were. A gunshot rang out. They had planned to shoot me as I stood framed in the doorway. But it seemed my entrance had gained me enough surprise to avoid that fate.

I dodged left towards the nearest heartbeat, human judging by the heartbeat. More shots rang out. The now permanently open door and occasional tiny holes in the roof provided the only source of light. I brought the sword down to strike across the figure, my aim was off and my sword scrapped across ribs before hitting and sinking in to the soft flesh of his belly. The scent of blood exploded into the air as the human screamed. Painful but not fatal, my sword ripped out of his side. Rotating my wrist I sent the sword back deep into his belly. He tried to twist away but it was too late; my sword slid easily through his insides, leaving him with a terrible gut wound which no surgeon, no matter how talented, could fix.

I danced sideways sensing danger, and metal rang against the concrete floor. Moving backwards, I turned around to face my opponent. Damn an undead with a sword, three living vampires and two humans these were not good odds. I almost regretted not having my mother here. Gun shots rang out again as I moved under the tiny pinpricks of light. My sword singing as I blocked blow after blow from my undead opponent. I recognised him as Marissa's great grandfather: Gérard. Just perfect 'kill the family first' my mother said but oh no we just had to be squeamish about it. But it wasn't right just to kill people to make my life easier.

I was having trouble maintaining my defence in the face of his barrage of attacks. Gérard was an excellent sword fighter. He looked dashing and youthful as he fought, the thick leather jacket protecting him from the occasional spots of light but there was still the odd hiss as exposed patches of skin became burnt, making him look like a spotty teen. His attacks were too much, he was leaving himself open but to take advantage of that I would have to take a hit. A bullet bit into my thigh - ok correction I would have to take another hit. I struggled to compensate for my weaken leg, I had to end the sword fight or they would wear me down.

His sword came round aiming for my right arm. Instead of turning to meet and block the strike I shifted my footing, turning in towards him, my sword in a double handed grip to compensate for what was about to happen to my right arm. His eyes flared as he realised his mistake, and tried to pull back. My blade bit into his neck milliseconds before he sliced into my arm. My sword sliced cleanly through his neck. He was true dead before he hit the floor, while the unattached head thudded into the darkness. Unfortunately Gérard's sword was buried in my right humerus just below my shoulder. Thankfully he had tried to pull the blow probably out of instinct to block me. It was likely all that saved my arm.

The smell of Gérard's blood was decadent darkness as it filtered out into the warehouse, overriding every other scent. "You bitch!" Marissa's voice echoed around the warehouse, I couldn't locate her voice but it didn't matter, she was frantically calling out her location. "Get over here, we block the exit and then shoot the Tamwood whore to pieces" She continued shouting instructions. Of course, the idiots ran towards her, and I followed.

Blood was pouring from my ruined arm, the blade still lodged in my bone sending screaming agony through me with each step. I could feel my rational mind slipping away - letting the lizard part of my brain, where my monstrous self lived take over. The bullet hole through my leg was slowing me down just as much. I needed to snap the sword's blade and bandage my leg. 'Poor little Ivy girl, so attached to the idea of nobleness. Coming alone to fight the dear Marissa was a mistake you never should have made. And now you disgrace yourself more! Unable to catch even a human. Is that what you've become? Is that what you love for the witch has made you?

A snarl tore from my throat. My pulse surged and I grabbed the blade lodged in my arm and screamed as I broke it off leaving only a short blade of metal buried in my arm. I roared forcing my feet faster and then I leapt. The metal in my hand hitting bone as my teeth tore into a woman's throat pulling away the protective layer of flesh and leaving her blood naked to the air. I didn't feast on the fountaining blood, ignoring even that which splashed onto my face. It was beneath me. I was better than this. 'Yes, yes that's it, Inanna'

Shadows danced, prey screamed and blood ran like water over my body, all the time the voice urged me on. Pain flashed through my body but it meant nothing. All that mattered was killing. Guns clicked to empty and clubs were found. Only the two male living vampires stood between me and my vengeance now. A bat swung towards me and my sword went up to parry the strike. 'No, Ivy girl!' but it was too late the katana buried itself deep into the thick wood. The world shifted to red as a blow from a metal pipe landed on my gun shot injured leg and I screamed dropping my grip on the sword as I rolled away from the two living vampires. The world retreated as pain overloaded my system and I slumped to the floor. I managed to roll sideways in time and the pipe stuck the floor instead of my head. I sprang up into a crouch fighting to stay conscious as grey swirled in my vision. I forced my feet to move, and the world drifted in and out as I drove myself towards the nearest attacker. His fist crashed into my stomach and I crumpled, a foot smashed into my head and I was on the floor again, my eyes gazing up at the pin pricks of sun light shining down. I could hear voices discussing what to do with me but it was all so far away.

'No, I will not have you die like this. You are a goddess you deserve the power you have access to and I will not allow you to ignore it. I am not finished with you yet.'I almost laughed at least when I was dead Piscary's voice would be gone, that was almost worth dying for.

I felt my mind quiver and then I was drowning in white light. I could smell Rachel all around me, for a second I was watching her in her hospital bed as she screamed and bolted upright. And then it was gone, I was on the floor in the warehouse again. I felt alive, full of energy. I slid to my feet, my body supple and boneless. Shocked faces stared at me and I bared my fangs. Marissa licked her lips and started backing away, she was going to run. I needed to get to her now.

I lashed out my hand, stabbing into a vulnerable throat and my knee delivered a punishing blow to his groin. He folded in two and I grabbed his head and twisted, snapping his neck. His friend recovered from his shock and leapt at me. I side stepped his attack easily and punched him in the kidneys as he passed. He turned, his foot striking out and hitting my knee, there was a snap but I felt nothing. I moved in closer, my palm striking out against his chest ribs cracked and he fell backwards. I followed him down my left knee smashing in to his chest even as he tried to move away. His chest collapsed, his ribs damaging the organs they sort to protect.

I looked up already knowing Marissa had escaped. For I split second I considered trying to follow her. but she was gone, the scent of blood overriding any trace of her. if I had planned, if I had researched properly I would have known how she escaped and where I could catch her. My fists clenched, I threw back my head and screamed.

"Holy fuck." My gaze snapped to the speaker, four vampires stood in the sunlit doorway. The woman who'd spoken was familiar, it took me a second to recognise my cousin. My father was the oldest of three brothers, meaning he had a brother who shared the family name Randal. Jessica was his daughter, if she was here it was because my mother sent her. An assumption which was confirmed by the fact the stocky vampire next to her was Ben, one of my parent's closest friends.

I strode towards them as I glanced at the other pair of vampires. My walk became sultry and I fought the urge to attack them. They were both members of Rynn's security team. More spies or back up for the vampires dead on the floor? All four sets of eyes stared at me as I stopped in front of them.

"I don't suppose either of you have a blade on you?" I asked looking towards Jessica and ben. Jessica nodded shakily and removed a short sword hidden under her coat. The gladius had belonged to Piscary he had taken it from a roman he killed not long after he was turned. The hilt was beautifully decorated and the blade edge as sharp as a razor. Turning my back on my seemingly speechless audience, I drew the sword and beheaded the dead living vampires. There would be no second life for them. I picked my katana up, the wooden bat still attached, walking back to the entrance I handed both blades to Jessica. I looked at Rynn's men "you're to stay here and clean up this mess."

"But w-" the taller one shut his mouth mid word as the shorter grabbed his shoulder. I took a step towards them and they scrambled backwards.

"We'll see to it straight away I swear." They were both sweating their delicious fear, cutting through the stench of wasted blood. I took another step towards them. The sound of 'Bad Moon Rising' reached my ears, someone from the pack was calling me. I stared at the living vampires longingly for a second more, before walking away Ben and Jessica trailing behind me. I reached the car just in time to answer the call before it went to voicemail.

"Hello?" my voice felt rough and distant.

"Ivy? Are you alright, you don't sound good." It was Serena.

"I'm fine." It was odd I did feel fine except I knew I wasn't.

"I'm calling because Rachel's awake, although a little out of it." I closed my eyes letting the relief flood me.

"I'll be there soon." I snapped the phone shut and tried to smile at Jessica who suddenly looked very scared. I threw the phone at her and she caught it easily. "Rachel's ok. Now get me to St. Grace's." I pitched forward, passing out before I hit the ground.

Chapter 6

umm so yes i now have both rachel and ivy beaten to a pulp and in hospital - dont hate me! Sorry about the ending. I feel like i made a lot of mistakes in the chapter in terms of the voices of some of the chracters hopefully you will forgive me for that.

heartbreaker, fanfic, ivy and rachel

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