living the slow life

Aug 04, 2020 22:35

I’m feeling the slow life in a way I haven’t felt in probably 15 or 20 years. There’s a hint of loneliness to it, but a good kind of loneliness. Independence may be a bit of a better word, but it still doesn’t quite fit. Maybe the word I’m looking for is freedom? Maybe there’s not even an exact word for it. Solitude is probably closest to the word I’m looking for. Slow feels really good. Less things matter, there’s less to worry about, or rather, I’m worrying about less.

I’ve decided to limit my communication with people even further. I’m only reaching out to people via snail mail now, except for close family. I figure the people who really care about me know where to find me and how to contact me. I just don’t have the time and energy to keep in contact with so many people in so many different ways, all at the same time.

I recently discovered a musical artist named Kate Bollinger. Their music fits my mood really well right now. I haven’t listened to any of the lyrics in great detail yet, but the sound is really nice to have on in the background and it’s very chill. It’s like something you’d hear in a cozy coffee shop. Oh how I miss coffee shops, and chilling in public spaces in general. I’m shifting my focus to gratitude though, so I haven’t been dwelling on the things I don’t have and/or haven’t been experiencing.

I watched a video that Footless Jo (a youtuber I follow) posted on Thursday called “A Huge (Unexpected) Win!!!” and in the video she talked about an experience she had where she was having difficulty with her morning bike, so she did yoga instead. This turned out to be a big breakthrough for her. Previously something not going as planned like that would have ruined her entire day, but because she adapted she was able to continue enjoying her day. This is what I’ve been trying to work on lately. I took the video as a sign that I’m on the right track. I’ve been trying to go with the flow more and adapt instead of getting upset when things don’t go as planned. I try to reset by using gratitude to centre me, and then use my creativity to do what I can with what I have. It’s easier said than done, but I think it’s one of those things that will come more naturally over time.

Each breath brings a new opportunity to find peace.

Emotionally: calm
Spiritually: good
Physically: a little tired
Color: I am blue today (calm as glass and cool like the sea)

PS: the arm dude’s name is: “undulation”
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