
Mar 19, 2017 22:18

Title: Complex
Chapter: 7
Length: 1458 words
Summary: Steele has to sit though something important to other people.

Master list: lj DW

Steele got up from his seat and picked up his books. Class was finally out for the week. He packed everything in his backpack and headed outside. His friends were waiting in the quad.

Gabe grinned. "Coming out with us?"

"Going home to my husband."

Jareth, Steele's clubbing friend, shook his head. "I still can't see you as married."

"You can see me being all domestic tonight if you stop by Darcie's. I'm taking Dal out tonight."

"Then clubbing?"

Steele shook his head. "I went clubbing for the sex. Now I don't have to squeeze into tight pants and dance up a sweat to get some."

"Doesn't he like dancing?"

Steele thought about it. "You know, I never asked."

"See if he wants to come out tonight."

Steele shook his head. "We both got summons to some demon hearing. It's probably going to suck up our entire weekend."

"It probably will," said Ash. "The students and faculty want to get to the bottom of this Hezekiel thing. Was he lying? Mistaken? Right both times? If it can happen to him, it could happen to Akakios."

Gabe clapped them on the back. "You know Akakios is right about you."

"I know, but…"

"Bene can tell Akakios belongs to you. He can smell it. His uncles are coming. They can smell even better than he can."

"Demons can do that?" Then why hadn't Hezekiel got some help?

"Only a few and they're expensive."

Well that explained it. "No one better think Dal is going back to that fleabag."

"Harsh, man." Jareth shook his head.

"He deserves it. Dal is my husband. He's carrying my kids. He wants to stay with me."

"No one is going to force Dal to do anything." Gabe rubbed Steele's shoulder. "Demons aren't monsters."

Steele sighed. "No more than any other species." He spotted Dal. "Except for cats. Cats are always up to no good. Especially the little ones."

Dal laughed and stepped into his arms. "You found out my secret. I'll have to strap you to the bed and torture you all night."

"I'm at your mercy." He held out his hands, palms down. "Gabe, where are those handcuffs?"

Gabe pulled some out of his pocket. "I'd loan them to you, but I plan on using them on Bene tonight."

Jareth fake gagged. He wasn't into bondage play.

Bene and Akakios arrived. Steele filled Dal in on the little he knew of the demon hearing and turned to the demons. "Can you tell us what to expect?"

The demons didn't know much more than Steele did, except that even with it held in the biggest building on campus, hundreds more people than would fit wanted to attend, especially the law makers and religious types. So although they'd meet at the coliseum, the hearing was going to be held in a hearing room in the demon realm that could get bigger each time a person was added.

Steele wasn't sure he cared for that. "What happens if…" He stopped himself. He didn't want to scare Dal.

"We've got your back." Bene exchanged nods with Gabe. "You and Dal will leave with the rest of us."

Akakios snorted. "It's Hezekiel who should be worried. If he lied about being Mated…"

Ash stepped into his arms. "I'm more worried he was mistaken."

"I know, baby, I know."

Dal wanted to know about the venue, mostly about access to the restrooms, and Bene and Akakios said that the restroom would be brought to him and then attempted to explain what they meant.

Jareth nodded at Dal. "Isn't he a little small for you? Not your usual type. Don't you ever worry about hurting him?"

Dal was perfect. Just because he didn't look like most of the men Steele bumped uglies with, didn't make him less than everything Steele desired. But… on the rare occasions when Steele and Jareth hadn't found other partners, or found only unsatisfying one, they had taken pleasure in each other. "Sorry, dude. I'm now off limits."

Dal took Steele's hand and looked up at him. Steele squeezed his hand. "Ready for dinner?"

"Gabe and Bene are going to meet us in the dorm lobby tomorrow morning and we'll all walk together." Dal waited until they were outside hearing range to change the subject. "Was that an ex?"

"A fuck buddy when we couldn't find anyone better."

"And you've found someone better?"

"Yes, husband mine."

Dal grinned. Tonight would be fantastic.


The hearing was more of a court and it was huge. The people at the back were just a blur, although the bailiff had reassured them that everyone could see as if they were in the eighth row.

Steele and Dal were in the witness box along with Lope, Hezekiel and his parents and ten other people Steele had never met. They had enough room that Dal didn't have to sit anywhere near Hezekiel. One of Hezekiel's parent's eyes followed Dal. The box was both close to the judge, Professor Onesimus in this case, and not. People could see in the front of the box, but anything they did wouldn't interrupt the court or get in the line of sight of the people behind them. They could pace, get up to eat or use the bathroom, and talk as long as they used quiet voices.

The hearing convened with the bang of a gong. The audience quieted and faced the judge. He explained why they were all there, most of which Steele didn't understand. Mistaking a Mate or lying about one had far reaching implications to these people.

Steele respected their beliefs, but just wanted to get on with it.

First Hezekiel was call to the stand. He talked about meeting Dal for the first time, the joy he'd felt, his immaturity.

Dal's turn came next. Professor Onesimus was nicer asking him questions. He had come to the university through a scholarship, without friends or money. Hezekiel's claiming of him finally gave him a home, but a home like no one would want. He didn't skimp of the details of Hezekiel's misdeeds, or gloss over any wrongs. He was on the stands so long that when he came back, he went straight to the restroom.

By the time he was out, Lope had given her brief statement. Hezekiel was called again, speaking about meeting Lope and casting Dal out. He tried to go on, but Professor Onesimus cut him off, saying he'd have a chance to speak again.

Steele was next. Dal squeezed his hand as he left the witness box.

The professor was matter of fact. Steele explained his part: talking to Dal, getting the toys from Gabe, all the way to figuring out Lope was Hezekiel's new Mate. When Steele stepped back in the witness box, Lope was holding one of Dal's hands, and Hezekiel's paler parent the other.

They both got up and let Steele hold his husband.

Lope went next, Hezekiel again. Steele went back to talk about the wedding. That stirred up the audience, but not as much as saying that Dal was carrying his babes.

Again when Steele returned, Hezekiel's paler parent was offering Dal support. Hezekiel's parents were called next, the dark one than the lighter. The lighter one, Salathiel, seemed to be from a different ethnic group, which agitated the crowd and that made Steele more sympathetic to them.

The child wasn't the parent, nor the parent the child. He didn't want his children discriminated against because Steele had stolen a demon's Mate or that Dal had been one.

One of the demons Steele didn't know spoke, then a break was called so experts could talk to Hezekiel, Dal, and Lope.

After seeing his husband off, Steele sat down by Salathiel. "One of thing reasons Hezekiel's actions hurt so much is because Dal was raised a prisoner in his own home." Steele gave a brief description of Dal's parents and their living conditions. "Hezekiel couldn't have known, but he was recreating the conditions Dal's parents had risk everything to free him from."

Salathiel was in tears. "My son, my horrible son."

Cunobelinus petted his hand.

"Now," Steele cleared his throat. "I'm not telling you this to hurt you. I need your help."

Salathiel looked up.

"I can see you care a lot. And you care for Dal. Is there anyone, might you know anyone, who could rescue his parents?"

Salathiel took Steele's hand. "We'll do anything you need."

"Bring his parents back before his babies are born." Steele sent them a grin. "Give him a reason to think well of you, and you just might find yourself being a grandparent to a few kittens."

The look on Salathiel's face said Steele had done the right thing.

familiars, complex, stories

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