
Mar 17, 2017 16:32

Title: Complex
Chapter: 2
Length: 883 words
Summary: Hezekiel did the right thing, didn't he, when he broke up with the one who couldn't be his Mate, now that he'd met his real Mate? But then why does he miss him so much and need him so badly?

Master list: lj DW

Hezekiel stormed through the dorm. People were staring, but he didn't care. He had to get to Doll. Just because he wasn't Hezekiel's Mate, didn't mean Hezekiel didn't care about him. He cared a lot. More than he should, considering how wrong he'd been about the Mate thing. Those two years had meant something.

He followed Doll's faint scent to a demon shielded dorm on the very top floor. Who would do that? Doll was his! 

Hezekiel pounded on the door. "Open up. Doll! Open this door."

Noise sounded in the room, but no matter how long or hard Hezekiel knocked, the footsteps never got closer. Who had dared shield the dorm against Hezekiel? Did they know Hezekiel's Mate was in there?

An eon later the door open just enough to let a non-demon step out and close the door behind him. The guy was dark skinned with weird stripes in his dark hair. Super weird stripes, not a section of one color and a section of another, but every individual hair striped with two thin bands of white the exact same distance from the tip of each hair. He was a little taller than Hezekiel, but looked twice as heavy. Someone could use a diet. "You can't get in and Dal won't be able to hear your knocks or shouts. You might as well leave."

Hezekiel swelled to his full height and muscles. He gathered his full demon voice. "Bring Doll to me."

The fool didn't even flinch. He looked Hezekiel over and sighed. "Like I said, you can't get in."

Hezekiel threw his power against the door, and by proxy, the idiot. Neither so much as sighed.

"My dorm is spelled against you," said the idiot.

"By a demon?" Hezekiel tested the door and then the wall beside it. "Who would dare keep me from my Mate?"

The idiot grinned. "He's not your Mate, now is he? And some fellow demons didn't like your behavior."

"Doll is still mine."

"Yell at the wall." The idiot shrugged. "Whatever makes you happy. But Dal can't hear you."

Hezekiel would get the door open and if he couldn't do it himself, he would get the idiot to do the deed. He grinned and backed the idiot against the door, but the idiot just shrugged past him. Wherever the idiot touched him burned.


The idiot turned at the top of the stairs. "I'm charmed against you. You can't touch me or Dal without getting hurt."

Hezekiel looked down at his arm. He was getting blisters! What could cause that? How to stop it? And why did it hurt so much? Demon's healed quickly, but the blisters were getting bigger.

He held his arm against his side and turned to the far stairs. "You haven't heard the last of me."

As he hurried down, he was pretty sure the idiot said, "More's the pity." But he couldn't have. No one was so blasé about demons. Hezekiel checked his arm again. The skin around the blisters was swelling. Maybe Penelope would kiss it better.


Hezekiel spotted Penelope leaving her dorm. She was in her running outfit. He better hurry to catch her before she started. She smiled when she saw him and that made his morning a little nicer. "You don't need to run."

Penelope laughed. Doll had never laughed at him, but this laughter was nice. She twitched her cute nose and her eyes danced. "You don't know what I need."

"A kiss?"

She laughed again and kissed him until he almost started to feel normal again. He needed to be with her, to feel her skin against his, but she wasn't putting out yet. Doll had slept with him, both the sex part and the waking the next morning part, the evening they'd met. He'd known how a demon's Mate should act. Penelope just laughed and asked what the hurry was, they had forever in front of them.

The hurry was the achy hunger that had grown inside Hezekiel every day since his split with Doll. Penelope was filling it, but slowly. Much too slowly since she wasn't giving him enough skin to skin contact.

Had he done the right thing breaking up with Doll? But wouldn't it be worse to fill and be filled by someone who couldn't be his Mate. Not after what he'd felt the first time he saw Penelope, the first time he'd smelled her, tasted her.

No, he just needed her in his bed and everything would go back to the way it was.

"I'll see you at lunch." She ran her hand down his arm, which would have been fine, except that was the one with the blisters, so he flinched. He wasn't used to feeling pain and this burn really hurt.

"Oh, poor baby." She blew on his fingers. "What happened?"

An idiot had happened. "Nothing I can't fix."

She smiled. "A student spill their science project on you?"

If only it were that. Hezekiel smiled back. "See you at lunch."

The blisters were bigger and the skin more puffy and swollen. He was going to have to get it looked at, but on campus. If he went to the med labs at home, he'd never hear the end of it. Demons gossiped worse than anyone.

familiars, complex, stories

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