I've come across interesting reads lately:
NINA PACKEBUSH: DOES TEEN PREGNANCY MAKE YOU GAY? OR IS IT THE OTHER WAY AROUND? This was interesting, not in the least because we have neither sex ed nor help raising babies for gay and lesbian teens even those these kids are more likely to get pregnant or get someone pregnant than straight kids.
And this article goes well with it:
Lesbian and Bisexual Teens Sure Did Have A Lot Of Sex, Study Shows Between bodies: trans girls, sex and dating Quote: “I’ve realised that all of my previous sexual and romantic reference points have now fallen away and I am having to intuit much of what I can or should expect in any future sexual or romantic life”
Also, I just came across a way of knitting yesterday that is for the moment called Portuguese Knitting (which came to Portugal from Turkey and the Middle East and went on from them to South America). I'd looked for it under a different name a few years ago and came up with nothing. I'd also failed to search YouTube last time.
But while digging into
Neck Knitting (the yarn goes around the neck or hangs off a hook and the fingers hardly move at all; looks like it would be easy on arthritic hands) I found a page about all kinds of knitting. It turns out my backwards knitting (knit from right front; purl from left back) is called
Uncrossed Knitting. (The page is about Eastern Uncrossed and she moves her hands much more than I do)
And finally, I submitted The Locked Room for the Fairytale Anthology at Less Than Three Press. I won't know anything for at least a month (which is when the deadline is)