The store is attempting to hire more people. Hopefully soon we'll have enough help that I can work less than 40 hour weeks.
Title: In Trouble
Side Story: Mother's Day
Series: Wizard's Familiars
Length: 1.2k
Jay stopped outside the Student Union and sighed over the Mothers Day decorations. Should he? Would Jade be offended to get a Mothers Day gift? He
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Jade entering the room with guess what VJ learned to do made me grin but so did lizard baby.
I've seen this stage of baby non-locomotion VJ is doing. It's the lizard stage as the legs aren't under the body but splayed to the sides even if the body is slightly elevated.
My grandson is said to be at the bunny stage now (haven't seen it yet :( *sniffle*) Up on all fours and rocking back and forth. Sometimes his legs move forward at the same time so he's in the form of a hunched bunny. That and he lunges.
Yes, you left yourself open for the pleas for more with VJ pulling the warmed toy into him for sleeping. Poor Jay. His degree of parenting is increasing. It's good that Jay's parents are involved with the small family's assistance too. Maman taking Jade shopping in the car to better his skill. Yes, a very nice set of in-laws.
We need more Vido.
How old is your grandson? I wondered how familiars, so mobile in their animal forms, put up with learning to walk on two feet. It's a lot of work and they can already get where they want to be by changing form. But then familiars tend to stay in animal form until they're old enough to walk. *sigh* the downside of being a Persian Wizards's kitten.
That's based off the videos I've seen of sleeping kittens doing the same thing. We do need more Vido, but I want more of Jay's parents too. Not sure how to do both. But as Jay's parents are pretty much Vido's parents too...
Now you just need to convince my boss I need one more day off a week. Or maybe a weekend day (I work all weekend again. That makes 10 weekend days worked since the beginning of April. In the same six weeks my boss has worked two weekend days. I find this annoying. I wouldn't even ask for a whole weekend,
My older son used to have monologues. He was very talkative. People would ask what he said, but I couldn't understand it either.
Pouch foods. Eat food the astronaut way. Soon we won't need teeth except for fighting and shred the other astronauts' air supply tubes. hmmm wandering off topic?
Daughter seemed quite sheepish when she admitted using the pouch that way. Expense... they manage/budget their money but buy at expensive grocery stores. *sighs* Says the hoarder because you never know when you might need that bit of string/plastic bottle/torn sheet.
*grins* Is your son still talkative? Did he out grow this trait?
Sometimes time is more precious than money.
The teenage years were hard on my son. He can talk for hours, but if the person doesn't respond in kind (like I can't help but do when he's talking about stuff I don't understand), he walks away. Poor kid. He's the one that makes me feel like a bad parent.
I can't get next weekend off because it's inventory/Memorial Day/a walk through by a bigwig, so next Sunday's a given. Then a floral manager at a nearby store will have hand surgery and be out for two weeks (and my manager will have to help out). After that my floral manager will go on vacation. Maybe July 4th? or the 5th.
People think that as long as you have days off sometime during the week it's fine to shuffle the weekend off onto you. Family time is usually weekend time. If you're single or have no kids then maybe weekends aren't a problem. The number of hours you work at a time stretches you too far and it's hard to salvage a day when you're working that long in a day. Don't know how they can do that legally. Then again, how can they make me work my hours and theoretically give me two 15 minute breaks during which to eat, and anything else I need to do but expect me to work during that time if it's needed. I eat with one hand and check books in & out with the other.
I like getting weekdays off, so I can write, but I want at least one slow morning a week, one where no one needs to be anywhere. So I can coax my husband back to bed once I'm awake enough to enjoy myself. And since I found I can write on Sundays, getting it off would be perfect.
If only.
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