No cry is a good cry

Mar 03, 2015 12:12

 The other evening, I could barely hold myself together (I almost lost it when I was told I couldn't watch episode six of Agent Carter, when I'd waited a week to see five and six together). I succeeded until my daughter's boyfriend blocked my train cars (during a board game) and instead of making a good showing, I came in dead last. By a long ways, but not as far behind everyone as he was ahead. He, the person who had played the most, trounced the rest of us first timers. (I'm getting emotional just remembering). And I was supposed to just sit there and watch as they moved my piece for the last time.

Now I know winning at all costs is a totally legitimate way to play anything (even though I'm not the type to sabotage others to make sure they can't get ahead of me). But after working almost sixty hours over the last seven days (and 40+ both the two weeks before), I was physically and emotionally exhausted. I took my tablet in the bathroom and sobbed as I played solitaire in the dark.

Finally I got myself together enough to get off the floor and turn the light on. No one had even realized I'd left the bathroom light off, which I felt silly for wanting them to know. I stayed up very late, I just couldn't stop crying. Then I decided to write a bio of Goodreads (I'm just waiting for them to verify who I am to post it). By the time I was done, I'd calmed down and fell right to sleep.

But I don't think I'm playing anymore games with him until I'm well rested. Which is disappointing because the game was great fun until the last five minutes.

So while waiting for Goodreads to get back to me, I rated books. One came up, but I didn't realize that hovering over the cover have a description and I was trying to figure out if it was one I'd read and really liked, so I clicked and it took me to a new page, also without a description. So I gave up and went on, but after I discovered the hovering thing, I went back to find it. When I couldn't (was it under Romance, Fantasy or something else?) I tried to look the author up. But I couldn't remember her name (there's a Bj and a Masters in it somewhere). Then I remembered I had a Excel file with pretty much every book I've listen to in the past few years. I could even rate some of those books. My list includes what it's about and my impression.

Only I can't find that file anywhere. I haven't listened to a book on tape in several months (I desperately need to do another library run). I sure hope I didn't lose it when I got my new computer. Kind of makes me want to scream.

Deep Breath.

Crisis Averted: I found it. It was last updated in July. I really do have to borrow more books on tape.

And I still have a headache. Crying never makes me feel better and I'm in pain for days afterward. Not a good cry at all.

writing, life

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