Oct 06, 2004 14:40
i had the best day yesterday mike and rob came all the way from IL to WI just to see me well not just to see me but they came and saw me that was the best day of my life well not the best but it was one of them. i missed them and the rest of you so much. i had my interview today and i am not sure that i will get it but that is life but i did stop back at hardee's and things seemed good there but i have to go back tomorrow. but yeah it might take me longer then i hoped to get back to IL but at least i know this time i will be down there asap. no questions asked. but yeah i love and miss you all and i hope to be down there by chrismas and i hope to be down there soon for a vist and stuff so talk to you all laters i have stuff i gots to do.