As my coffee pot starts guggling in it's death throws I desided I needed a little self-medicated therapy via LJ. So, friends. It's official. I have been accused of being an illegal alien and am doomed to spend all winter in Mexico. Yeah! I get to practice my espanol!
But seriously, what the hell? I have three days to prove I'm a US citizen or I'm fired. I called Oregon's Vital Records yesterday to see how they are coming along with my birth certicate. News, they DO know I'm Jennifer Marlene Carol Sheldon. Bad news, it's going to take them a week AT LEAST... to mail it back to me.
I really don't want to lose my new job. But then a part of me is just throwing her hands in the air and saying "Forget this! I'll just start high-jacking cars for a living" (jk American law system. I really do try to follow the law, I do. I even stop at red lights in video games, Really. Don't send me to Mexico.
But really, what's a girl to do?
Since I've been watching Leverage, here is what Parker would do.
Oneshot: Parker Doesn't Exist
"Hardison, I have a problem."
Hardison looked up from his laptop, confused. "Ok..."
"I exist."
"Well, yes, Parker... I hate to tell you, but yeah. You've existed about 33 years or so now."
"No you don't understand... They found me."
"Who found you?"
"Canada. I'm from Canada... and they want me back."
Eliot who had been listening from the couch barked a laugh, "Who'd want you? Parker, seriously, you're from Canada?"
"There is nothing good to steal in Canada. Except maple syrup. I don't like maple syrup."
"There is something wrong with you." Elliot said.
"I want pancakes." Parker announced suddenly and bee-lined it for Nate's cupboard.
"Wait, Parker, what about Canada?"
"I didn't fake my death well enough. They're looking into it. They are looking for me. I have to go to Canada and steal myself back."
Elliot rose an eyebrow.
"Road trip?" Hardison suggested.
Parker grinned as she pulled out the frying pan, "Road trips. I like road trips."