Dear Yuletide Santa

Nov 22, 2010 00:09

A pre-emptive hello and thank you!

This whole Yuletide shebang is going to push me into updating this woefully neglected LJ.

Okay, here's what you came for, the meat of what I might like to see.

Andrew Bird's Armchair Apocrypha: I'd love to see something like a short story from any of the songs. Tie a few together, shake up the whole album and see what falls out. If you're an Andrew Bird fan I hope you really enjoy this. If not, maybe you'll become a fan, there's a ton of his stuff on youtube. Barring that, just look up some lyrics and go nuts.

Mass Effect: Have fun. If you want to write Krogan love poetry, go for it! A scene where Garrus annoys Tali so much she gets even with him flotilla style. Perhaps just a scene with EDI and Joker gossiping about new crew members. I'm a big fem-Shep fan that's about where my preferences begin and end.

Sharon Shinn - Samaria: I've seen so little fic of this I'm curious to see what someone would write. You're even welcome to create OCs if it helps. I just want stories set in this world, no matter what time-frame since I know the books spread across decades.

So there we go! Just write and have fun with it.


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