Out on Blue Six

Apr 09, 2009 22:08

I'm in a spacy kind of head area right now.

I can tell it's getting warmer because I'm inclined to want sweet tea than soda. (Which is good because I can make GALLONS of it at home, not so much with Dr Pepper)

I walked into Hobby Lobby today and when I walked out it was like I'd walked into a different world. The wind had picked up and was whipping everything around, and it was hazy. I had thought that it was just because it was kicking up a lot of dust, but no, there were a lot of large scale grass fires in the surrounding counties and the smoke was blowing in. At 6PM you could smell it outside and the fires were all over 100 miles away in places. Last I head they'd all been contained.

The kittens are still insane. Luci jumped me like a mini facehugger this morning for kitten kibble. She just launched herself at my leg and clung there.

I have so many writing projects that I feel like I should get some kind of octopus graft. 8 arms to write you baby.


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