Where I grump just a little

Apr 28, 2008 12:37

Man, oh man, am I a physical wreck! Not only still remarkably sore from laying flooring on Saturday, but also my stomach has been very angry with me + the perils of spring and the sinus headaches it brings. urgh!

Upside: Hoping for something new on the job front. Got the tip when we went to see Forbidden Kingdom and had my resume in last Tuesday. I don't ask for a lot, just a little good news on the job front is all I'm asking.

Got my Wiscon writers workshop assignment. I'm not going to get nervous until I see the submissions of the others in group and how they will certainly blow me out of the water. It'll be a good thing. I feel like I'm finally moving forward in something.

Had my sewing muse smack me upside the head as well. So hopefully I can ward off the demoness of procrastination and overwelm long enough to get it started and get it DONE.

Side Note: Listening to part of a Willie Nelson retrospective inspired me in a very strange way yesterday.

job, sewing, wiscon, writing

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