Frogley What WHAT? Backstory and bio and stuff.

Sep 30, 2006 19:18

This is the character journal for Troy Frogley, seventh year Ravenclaw at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, played by Mad ( dodgerdame15 ), at HiH: TG.

Under the cut you can find the character bio.

In other words, BACKSTORY with the lad!!
And this is a boy that will know EVERYONE, whether they like it or NOT.
So humour him. You know you love the backstory.

So ex-girflfriends, people that have threatened to beat him up for getting too fresh, summat like that, all are welcome!

Player Information
Name / LJ Username: Madeline / dodgerdame15
HiH House: Gryffindor
Contact Info (AIM, MSN, email address): aim = dodgerdame15 / email =

Character Information
Name / LJ Username (if available): Troy Frogley / frogleygoof
House: Ravenclaw
Age / Birthdate: 17 (going on 18, of course)/ December 20, 1987

Ravenclaw Sagittarians are the philosophers of the magical world. They love pure theory, pure mathematics, and anything that appeals to their yearning for far horizons, whether those horizons be physical (in which case they will do a lot of traveling) or mental. They excel at astrology and research, and have the rare gift of both being able to investigate a subject deeply and then being able to explain it to other people in plain language. This makes for excellent teaching potential. They are cheerful, athletic, brisk, and humourous, and also decidedly eccentric. Sometimes they get on people's nerves, because they don't have as many interpersonal skills as they seem to think they have, but it's hard to stay mad at a Ravenclaw Sagittarian for very long. They're just too goofy.

Year: Seventh
Bloodline / Heritage: Muggleborn / British

Personal History: Troy Frogley was born in the London borough of Hackney, a bit before Christmas to a working class family. His parents were perhaps a bit too young to have children, straight out of school and not as well-off as other families. His mother Lucinda was ripe out of school at the age of seventeen and his father Clark worked as a mechanic, only a few years older. The young parents worked hard to give their son the best future, or at least the best one could get in Cockney London.

Troy grew up as the little imp of the block, always getting in fights and acting super sweet to adults. One of his childhood nicknames was "The Artful Dodger," and he very much seemed like it. He was the boy in the schoolyard that would start a fight and then get out of it by smiling at the teacher. In fact, he was a bit too energetic for his own good. His parents put him into all kinds of sports just to tire him out, everything from rugby to tennis to football, but he seemed to latch onto cricket best of all. He grew up as the oldest of four siblings, two other boys and a girl (Devon, Jude, and Artemis), in a cheap and small flat in the middle of urban London, a bit of a dodgy area, in fact. Nothing dramatic, nothing terrible, just a working class child growing up in working class London.

As normal as he seemed, there were hints very early on that Troy wasn't your average Londoner kid. As a baby, he'd smile and gurgle when nobody else was in the room. All through his childhood, his parents believed he had an imaginary friend. Oddly enough, it didn't exactly go away at the usual time. Troy kept seeing and conversing with what seemed to be a rugby player with a broken nose and arm, who kept complaining of a ruptured appendix. Only his Great Aunt Beverly, an odd lady who lived in Manchester with seven cats and a penchant for gazing at tea leaves and stars at four in the morning seemed to comment on the importance of this "trait." A gift, she called it. But the family didn't see Great Aunt Beverly all that often, so they believed her to be simply an old bat who had been unmarried for far too long.

Surprising shock when she showed up unexpectedly for tea one fine day in summer, or at least for Troy, who had seen an owl sitting on his football as he came back from cricket practice. Seemed odd that he only saw owls whenever they visited Auntie Bev. Connection? It didn't register to ten-year old Troy. What was more puzzling was why she was speaking to Finch about his ruptured appendix. That and his parents holding a cream-coloured envelope, laughing up a storm in the kitchen.

The next few minutes short of jolted Troy into reality, or a different world, so to speak. Troy was a muggleborn wizard, who must have inherited it from Auntie Bev, who was a witch herself, and had gone to a magic school ages ago; the same one this "Albus Dumbledore" had sent a letter from. Turns out, "Finch with the Appendix" was a ghost, and the reason Troy could see him? He was a wizard. And had only about a month or so before he was off to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

In his seven years, he has seemed to adapt to a new way of life extremely well. He took up Quidditch as a hobby, it being the only sport in the wizarding world, and now wishes to become a professional player. If that doesn't work out, he uses the excuse of perhaps becoming a professor or something having to do with astronomy as a Plan B.

Personality: Troy has far too much energy to ever NOT be busy with anything. He's cheerful and rarely bored, and sometimes even seems more Hufflpuff than Ravenclaw. He's very hard-working by nature, but uses it not as much for brute labor but more of a research, studying, inquisitive work. He's a firm believer in the concept that anything can be achieved if you believe and work hard enough, extremely idealistic. He rarely gives up on anything. School, Quidditch, anything. After all this time, he's finally grown into that overactive hyperness and put it to use. Yet he is prone to outbursts, though only on Quidditch. The pitch is his outlet for all negative emotions, and he has been seen to cry or yell at a bad call or a loss, or happiness. He's not afraid of who he is, and is very comfortable with himself. He's very sociable for a Ravenclaw, though sometimes his good-naturedness grates on the nerves.
He's a bit of a nerd, though, a bit too goofy for his own good. Maybe he doesn't fit into his House all that well, as he isn't as 'bookish.' He's passionate about research and study, though, in his search to know everything about. . .everything that interests him.

His voice stands out and shows how in touch with muggle London he really is, in that he has the stereotypical Cockney accent, using slang and dropping his H's and such.

And, of course, as any cocky jocky boy does, he's extremely fond of girls. To a fault? He's the type to accidentally get in fights with guys over their birds. He stares at everyone, practically, and is an effective flirt.

Others may find him a bit daft, as the stereotypical athlete with nothing under the smiling, goofy shell. Yet one would be surprised.

Physical Description: Troy Frogley is two things: sporty as his hobby, and goofy as his last name. He's the epitome of sporty, perhaps comically so. When he's not wearing his school uniform, he's always wearing polo shirts and tracky bottoms and trainers, looking like he got attacked by an Adidas campaign. Yet it fits him nicely. The Quidditch has paid off, no doubt, along with his weekly jogging. He stands at 6 foot 2, undeniably fit; though not brawny. Basically, he's built like your average footballer. He has blondey hair, always spiked, and brown eyes. His face is prone to having a goofy grin plastered on it, and he really does have a boyish face (if not for stubble when he forgets to shave, which he does now and then.) He's a quintessential jock, and not afraid to show it.
Preferred Body Model: Andy Roddick! (But no tennis rackets!)

If this is your first character: Please give us a sample RP, at least one paragraph in length. N/A

Hobbies and talents - max of five: Quidditch and sports - athletic, studying / research. Has a fondness for American hip-hop music and culture, oddly enough, which may explain the Adidas.
Weaknesses - for every hobby or talent, the character must have two weaknesses: Hyperactive, a bit poor with wand magic, thinks he has to be friends with everyone, too many ideas, forgetful.
Best subjects - max of three: Astronomy, Arithmancy, Potions.
Worst subjects - no max: Tranfiguration, Charms.
Broom (if applicable): Nimbus 2001's and Firebolts by permission only Nimbus 2001 (as a present from his dear old Auntie Bev.)
Wand: 12 inches, Ash, Kelpie's mane hair core.

List of classes for current year:

Ancient Runes

Alignment: Anti-Voldy, of course!

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