i saw this in rods journal and it was cool so i did it! thanks rod :)
create your own visited countries map or
vertaling Duits Nederlands so anyways in other news our house got broken into by some sad motherfuckers. they stole mats xbox and all the games and all our dvds and some cd's and were half way through unhooking the dvd player but left that and they also left my digicam but i'd left my phone on the bench cause we were only gone 45 fucking minutes and they stole that too! i'm so fucking annoyed now i have NO ones numbers and i feel like i have NO friends cause i cant contact anyone! so yeah i'm not dead i just have no fone for a while though i'll be able to keep the same number which is goood. my car was in the fucking driveway thank god i didn't leave my keys on the bench too! people fucking suck i HATE the fucking world. i hate feeling uncomfortable and unsafe in my own fucking home.
this entry sucks
die fuckers.