mmmmmmm books

Jun 24, 2005 20:26

I-Total Number of Books Owned: 179 on my shelves, several of which are collected works and volumes that doesn't count those that have been leant.

II-The Last Book I Bought: Light in August by Faulkner, Gulliver's Travels, The Jungle Book, and Great Expectations (all at the same time).

III-The Last Book I Read: The last book I finished was "Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire"

IV- Five Books that Meant a Lot to me
1-"A Tree Grows in Brooklyn" Betty Smith
2-"The Celestine Prophecy" James Redfield
3-"The Jungle" Upton Sinclair
4-"Lamb: the Gospel According to Christ's Childhood Pal" Christopher Moore
5-"Night" Eli Wiesel

V- Tag five people to have them fill out the same thing in their journal
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