Feb 16, 2011 16:22
Ok, I am so not happy right now! My BEST FRIEND Anna has cancelled our plans to get together three times in the past week! The first time she got asked to stay at work and do a double shift which I was like "ok, that's fine" cuz I can't really say I would have done differently if my work was really short-handed, with a lot of call-offs and asked me to stay... I get it... so she instead suggested Tues cuz she was off... So I said fine, come over round six... at six she texted me that she was just jumping in the shower and would be over soon but at six thirty she texted me again to say that she hadn't realized how low she was on gas so coud we get together tomorrow instead cuz she's going in to work and will be able to get paid... I was kinda bummed because I had spent all day cleaning and went shopping and spent $50 cuz I bought her favorite snacks and drinks... but I had planned on it being just me, her, and Alex hanging out but then Tori fainted at CCD so both she and my mom called off of work and Mike came over so it was really loud and crowded in my house anyway and so we had an impromptu family movie night so it ended up working out fine...
Then today rolls around and she had said she was gonna come by after she got off of work at 1:30 so we could spend a couple of hours together catching up before I had to go to work at 4:30... and you guessed it! She texted me to cancel AGAIN! Her text: "Yeah. I can't make a drive to just hang for a lil bit. I'm strapped for cash. U have no idea how bad" Which, don't get me wrong, I understand not having money! But we live less than 15 mins away from each other and she said yesterday that she was getting paid today so WHAT THE HELL!!!
THEN! Her boyfriend texts me and asks if she's with me... ummm, no? So I told him she cancelled and he asked my why so I told him and he said he's sorry and that sucks so he's prob. gonna say something to her cuz I think he could tell I was annoyed... I told her I'm off friday and we should do something then but I'm not getting my hopes up... I'm always the one going to her house and initiating the plans and half the time she ends up spending most of the time with her boyfriend while I do things and talk to her sisters... I don't think she's even been to my house in years... grrrr... I just needed to vent... time for work...
Oh! As I'm typing her little sister Tess just called me and told me she was bored and wanted to talk and the first person she thought of to call was me cuz she misses me and feels like she hasn't seen me in forever even though I saw her more recently than my best friend! She just made my night not so horrible... I love her!
real life