1. Last beverage: Hot Apple Cider! YUM!
-2. Last phone call: My sister
-3. Last text message:
-4. Last song you listened to: Whatever song plays at the end credits of "Prince Caspian"
-5. Last time you cried: Last week
-6. Dated someone twice: No
-7. Been cheated on: No
-8. Kissed someone & regretted it: Yes
-9. Lost someone special: Yes
-10. Been depressed: Yes
-11. Liked someone you know you shouldn't: Unfortunately yes....
-12. Dark Grey
-13. Cerulean
-14. Black
-15. Made a new friend: Yep!
-16. Fallen in love: Nope :(
-17. Laughed until you cried: On occasion
-18. Met someone who changed you: Don't think so...
-19. Found out who your true friends were: ABSOLUTELY
-20. Found out someone was talking about you: no
-21. Been lied to: yes
-22. How many people on your friends list do you know in real life: none
-23. How many kids do you want? 3-4
-25. Do you want to change your name: nope... I like it!
-26. What did you do for your last birthday? I have no idea... this whole last year was kinda a blur... I think my family and I went out to eat...
-28. What were you doing at midnight last night? Watching "Weekend at Bobby's" cuz my sister has been away at school so she is terribly behind on SPN and we are trying to get her caught up while she's home for Thanksgiving...
-29. Name something you CANNOT wait for: the next installment of
redtapestry 's "
Descent Verse" cuz I am absolutely in love with it!
-30. Last time you were in an awkward situation: Yesterday at work... I have a new coworker who definitely shares TMI!
-31. What is one thing you wish you could change about your life: I wish I could have my dad back... :(
-33. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: Ummm... yes???
-34. Who is getting on your nerves now? No one really... Oh! This other new coworker who is slow as molasses... gotta love the seasonal staff!
-35. Most visited webpage: My LJ
-36. Whats your real name: *whistles*
-37. Any nicknames? Mandy, Na (from one of my sis'), Dori (from my best friend), bee(what my mom calls all of us)
-39. Zodiac sign: Pisces/Aries (but Pisces is generally a better fit)
-40. Male or female?: Female
-41. Best friends?: Really just one... her and her family are like my family..
-42. What did you do last night?: Worked til 11:45pm then came home and watched SPN with my sis and caught up on Grey's...
-43. Who do you trust? My family and my best friend...
-44. Hair color: brunette
-45. Long or short: medium
-46. Height: 5’6''... I think?
-47. Do you have a crush on someone?: In real life? Not right now...
-48: What do you like about yourself?: I don't know...
-9. Piercings: just my ears
-50: Tattoos: Nope
-51. Rigty or lefty: righty... but for some unknown reason I bat lefty...
-52. First surgery: none
-53. First piercing: Ears
-54. First best friend: Liz from first to 6th grade
-55. First sport you joined: Swim team when I was 7
-56. First big vacation: Dunno, my dad was a history teacher so probably the year we visited everything Lincoln and drove all over Kentucky and Illinois
-58. First job: Swim instructor (if you don't count babysitting)
RIGHT NOW (fill in your own):
-59. ...is dreading working on Black Friday
-60. ...is hating being sick!
-61. ...is watching this computer screen...
-62. ...is excited for Voyage of the Dawn Treader!
-63. ...is looking forward to Thanksgiving and Christmas breaks coming up.
-65. Get married?: hopefully...
-66. Career I want to be a Drama/Music teacher
-69. Shorter or taller Taller
-70. Older or Younger Same age or older.
-71. Romantic or spontaneous Romantically spontaneous.
-72. Nice stomach or nice arms Nice arms
-73. Sensitive or loud Loud
-74. Hook-up or relationship Relationship
-76. Kissed a stranger no
-77. Drank hard liquor many times ;p
-78. Lost glasses/contacts too many times to count!
-79. Regretted something Unfortunately
-80. Broken someone's heart Perhaps...
-82. Been arrested Nope
-83. Turned someone down Yes.
-84. Cried when someone died Obviously.
-85. Fallen for a friend Yes...
-86. Yourself I try to...
-88. Love at first sight: Definitely.
-89. Heaven Yes.
-90. Santa Claus Just to feel like a kid again, I do...
-91. Kiss on the first date depends...
-92. Angels: Yes
-94. Had more than one boyfriend/girlfriend at a time: Never.
-95. Did you sing today? Everyday.
-96. Ever cheated on somebody? NO.
-97. If you could go back in time, how far would you go back? I think I would best fit in in the 1950's
-98. The moment you would choose to re live?: my brother's birth
-99. Are you afraid of falling in love?: No... of NEVER falling in love? Yes...
-100. Are you afraid of posting this as 100 truths?: Obviously not if I just spend time doing it..