Oct 05, 2004 21:11
FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK!!! i honestly miss....my ugly sister! GASP!! shh but i seriously miss sim..one...its wei..rd! :( fuck..err lol ok ive been out of it lik all day so everyone thinks im high lol my liver is rupturing into my aorta killing my spleen and exploding my kidneys!! my mind has juices of meat held into the veins of paradise lmfao!! that was fun. ok im really bored now. lordyyy! o! today was sucha good day lol arts actually been one of my favorite classes lately cuz we're doing self portraits and we can work outside so its a lotta fun!! i feel lik overly happy and ghettorific all of a suddeen! LETS STUDY GUYS! ahhh i needa go tape my bowels and brain erection tubes now...im naturally soo high ryt now its weird lol bye