Sep 16, 2004 12:25
Age of first kiss: 11
Number of people you've kissed: SHIT! i dont wanna remember but its about 15
French kissing is: the best
The worst kind of kiss is: too slobbery
The best kisser you know: My Husband Michael Carrizalez
The worst kisser you know: none were bad i think?
The celebrity you'd like to kiss: SHIT ANGELINA FUKIN JOLIE
Friend you would like to kiss: does boyFRIEND count?
Favorite movie kiss: Cruel Intentions (Sarah Michelle Geller and that other chick)
Do you kiss on the first date? depends on who it is n how the date was
Eyes open or closed? closed always!
Average number of kisses you get a day: too many too count
Ever kissed a friend's boyfriend or girlfriend? yup
The last person you kissed: My husband right before we split ways this mornin
Best placed to be kissed: right under the ear lobe the area right under the jaw bone *shivers*
Have you kissed someone of the same sex? oh yea Janine lol
What about the opposite sex? DUH!
Do you consider kissing cheating? depends on the emotions that go with the kiss
The longest you've gone without a kiss: 5 days
The kiss you regret most is: the one I gave to...
Kissing in public is: awesome
Tongue rings are: KEWL! i want one!
Two girls kissing is: lol i like well sometimes
Two guys kissing is: NASTY!!!