(no more nervous frog) blissful frog

Jan 26, 2009 12:12

one hour till my first day of workshop with charlie friggin' simic. no, no critique today (god i hope, though of course i have my entire portfolio, save the poems i hate, with me just in case). he's brilliant and also famous and also famously no-nonsense blunt. this is why i am here, and i'm ecstatic that it's finally starting, but good lord i'm freaking out a little. *deep breath*

Friends, I know this sounds crazy, but: deciding to enroll at UNH and drive way the hell up here to take these classes is the third best decision I've ever made in my life. (The other two being deciding to go to my fancypants college and accidentally ending up in my Small Town.) It's too much to go into because I'm supposed to be doing my homework now, but briefly: Charlie's workshop is ridiculously awesome and I am so excited to have the opportunity to learn from him. He is so opinionated, but is also a charming sweetheart and therefore I think I will love having him shred my work. Ditto for Rivard. Ask me again in a couple of weeks, but as far as I can tell it's Just. So. Perfect. to be here.

Now excuse me please, I have to go write a poem. Hoo-fuckin'-ray!!
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