And the verdict is... McCain (I think) (Really?)

Feb 04, 2008 20:21

Darlings, for your researched and well-reasoned opinions I thank you.

But the bottom line is that at the end of the day, I can find equal reasons for and against both Clinton and Obama. I can also not find any sort of heart-stirring that really moves me more toward one than the other. Maybe if I owned a TV, maybe if I had seen the debates... But really -- if one wins, I will be content. And if the other wins, equally.

On the other side, though: here is where being "unenrolled" in MA comes in handy. If Romney (ewwwww, no, please, God-if-you-exist OMGWTFBBQ, etc) or Huckabee were actually able to get the R nomination... And if (as could happen, let's be realistic here) the Democrats could actually fuck it up enough (o, 'twould break my heart, but still) so that someone from the Dark Side could win -- then, well, should McCain be their man then I wouldn't be nearly so devastated as I have been for the past seven years. And since I would be genuinely equally happy about a Clinton or Obama victory... Well, then DRUNKENFROG (who had this epiphany while sober, at work, this afternoon) is hedging her bets and voting for the Republican who gives her fiscally conservative and socially liberal and anti-war heart the least amount of shivers.

That being said -- it comes down to three things for me: 1. There's very little meaningful difference between the D candidates 2. I owe a huge debt of gratitude for the womyn of Hillary's generation who made it possible for me to be straight, single, and successful and 3. No one in my lifetime has been nearly as exciting as Barack Obama --

Therefore unenrolled-frog is using her vote on the Republican side, to make sure that their candidate is unable to really cause that much of a hangover...

And that is what I think... Until I sleep off the effects of the fund-raising cheap bar at the soup and games night... who knows how I'll actually vote in the morning?

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