23 is a good number for spankings.

Jul 18, 2005 11:43

I've posted this a couple times on myspace, and sent out text messages, so I figured I might as well cover all my bases.

As the subject suggests, I'm turning 23. My birthday is this Tomorrow!! to be exact, and I thought I'd see if any of you kids would be interested in joining myself and an as-yet undetermined number of friends for a few drinks. As is my way, I waited until sunday night to decide that it'd be fun to do something to commemorate another smack on the birthday tally. I realize it's a little bit late to be inviting friends out for a weeknight, so I won't be at all offended if you can't make it. I don't have any plans set in stone yet, so if you have any suggestions, I'd be thrilled to hear those too. I'm sure things will firm up some time today, so get in touch if you think you'd like to join us, and I'll tell you where to find me. :-)

I hope to see at least a few of you tomorrow!

wet kisses for all,
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