Jul 25, 2008 15:28
Well folks, this is about it. 48 hours from now I'll be well into my 4 hour layover at the Miami International Airport. I am pretty excited to go home though, since I've been away for so long. Not counting college (which probably counts at least a little), this is by far the longest I've ever traveled, and probably close to equaling the amount of time I've spent out of the country in my entire past (not counting lovely Canada, of course).
We adventured downtown to the Kingston craft market yesterday, where I managed to finish up my souvenir shopping, just in the nick of time! I won't miss needing to call a taxi every time I need to go somewhere, but I will probably be a little nervous my first few times out driving back home, since here the steering wheel might be on the right side, the left side, or both sides (i wish) of the car, and all street signs seem to be optional. And I'll be driving lots of places as soon as I get back, seeing as I managed to schedule both an Eye Doctor and a Dentist appointment for Monday. I can't think of many worse situations than getting into a car accident on the way to the Dentist's Office. Especially since it's less than two blocks away from my house. Also near my house, which I have missed far more than the Dentist's Office, is the Dairy Barn, home of my most favorite ice cream creations. The ice cream here is ridiculously expensive, resulting in me having it roughly twice on this trip, regardless of the constant temps in the 90s.
I've just been informed that the textbook listing is up on the GVSU site, so I'll be quite excited to get home and right away get to spend more money. I'll actually try to buy all my books in the four days after I get home, since starting Saturday I'll be up at the cottage for two weeks (Hooray!). I bought my textbooks from up there last year, but it turns into quite the adventure, since you have to go to the library, wait for a free computer, and get as much done as you can before the next person's turn, all while making large credit card purchases on a somewhat questionable internet connection. Like I said, very exciting. But this library is the one with the whole stockpile of puzzles which you can simply take and bring back as you please, and doing puzzles is a very acceptable way to spend time up at the lake, so it gets bonus points for that.
I've recently been struck with the urge to re-read the Harry Potter books (which our guest lecturer today was slamming, regardless of never having read one), but I'm going to need to visit the library to stock up on books which can occupy me for the second week, since those Harry Potter ones just never manage to keep me occupied for very long. Except I think I did stop reading the 6th one once, just before my favorite character departs, because if I don't read about it, it never happened, right?
comment if: you'd rather make more money before or after you die (a la Bob Marley).