(no subject)

May 31, 2007 22:14

Here's a bit of my recent/pending life, just cause I'm in the mood and it's too hot to sleep.

~Work is pretty ok.  I've been addressed as "Scott" more times than I can count, but only as "Mr. Courtney" twice so far. (these have all been in e-mail, and some people are funny when I call them out on it.  One guy said I could e-mail him as "Terri")

~Been reading not as much as I would like, but more than I did at school.

~Thinking we were talking about Emily Post, only to discover the real topic was Moses.  I thought it strange that Emily Post would be interested in the Red Sea...

~Facebook is getting stranger every day.  But I've always gotten used to it in the past, so I suppose I'll give it time.

~I think my aunt, cousin, and not-really-aunt are trying to force a kitten on me. So i'm going to go visit it saturday : )

~Going to see Shrek 3 tomorrow, despite less-than-stellar reviews from within my own household. but i'm still excited! (on a related note, please go see Pirates 3 if you haven't.  it was excellent.)

~Staying up late is hard now, and it makes me sad, like i've lost a well-honed skill

~My car spedometer died on me again the other day, so I drove to work one day just guessing, then it spent a day in the shop, and now it's all better.  But somehow got grease down my middle finger, so my hand looks like it has a cool, intentional design on it, but it's really just yuck that's tough to get off.

~They're singing about air conditioning in the song i'm listening to right now, and it's a little bit depressing. I think i'll drink the rest of my ice water and go to bed.

~ALSO, seeing High School Musical as performed by Middle Schoolers.  Think about that for a while. it may blow your mind.

comment if: you wish you were going to be invited to my marvelous garden party. but don't hold your breath.
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