Sep 22, 2005 01:35
here are some random thoughts that came into my head as i was making pb and js
eventually the field of psycology will be so advanced that there will no longer be a free will. peoples decisions will be completly mapped out and thus something as simple as a computer program can predict what you are going to do. thus the matrix is completly false since if "the machines" wanted to conquer mankind there would be no war it would happen with our approval and complete backing.
few people say they made something from scratch. the rough definition for making something from scratch is to make something from raw ingredients. few people have the ability in the current time to grow their own food then cook it to say they made a meal from scratch.
i both love and hate the show lost. i love it because it ends on a mystery and keeps the viewer in the dark. I hate it because it ends on a mystery and keeps the viewer in the dark
i cannot even place into words my rage at the hurricane relief effort for katrina and the survivors of the devestaed areas. tsunami relief was on the ground set up the next day. the hurricane relief took a week. this country is so short sighted that it only prepares itself against one problem and lets its protection against the others fall through the cracks. fema had over 200 practiced scenerios run this year before katrina. only two involved hurricanes. and both of those two were to deal with a terrorist attack during a hurricane.