Dec 07, 2004 02:38
I've been pulling way too many all nighters this semester, and here I am on another one. I have a paper due in my water issues class tomorrow, not too bad, I already have all the research done and the outline made up, now I just have to type and make maps, of course I just spent the last hour on one map and I'll have to finish the rest at work tomorrow. To top it off I have my final in that same class tomorrow.
And tomorrow will be another late one since I have my presentation in animal phys on wednesday.....
And then friday I have a final in Evolution.....
And then I can rest, kind of.
Got an A- in my statistics class, so I decided to do the extra credit project to try and get a solid A since I know my Animal Phys grade will be shoddy.
I decided to stick around UNM for the spring since my boss was freaking out about me leaving (and I really have nothing else to do) So I'm going to take Field Herpetology. So be prepared for tons of pictures of lizards, snakes, and frogs. Ahhhhhh yeah.
Two weeks of vacation after finals.....Lot's of kitting to do.