indisition. it's all indisition. And then - and! - and there is a choise, Either/Or, - you make it. And then even in the great dissatisfation that is inevitably to darken your way - - you are made the brighter because you made it through the crossroads = where others were tourn apart down the middle or dismembered peice by peice as consiquence of
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not a email from you!
not a word?
and then this?!??!!!
you think i don't still love you?
i don't still loooong to hear your voice?!
.. i miss you. :)
ciao xxoxoxoooooo
Until you get back…
At which point we shall discuss who was and was not hot, how best to cheaply simulate the food, and what compassions can be dawn between the actual landscape and its representation in Disney World… All this over freedom fries and overpriced coffee.
Can’t wait to see you.
Yours in American Splendor,
no comment for THAT!
kisses and so on, untill i return,
and we discuss the forementioned.
in the mean time, is there anything you would like from
the beautiful land of sicilia?
guess who i got to listen to!
hint: "... do you have a flag??"
Not that it is open to comment.
Kisses and so on to you as well.
Yes, bring me back a Sicilian.
Eddie Izzard - you bitch.
what does "and so on..." intail to you?? ;)
are you sure you want a sicilian?
actually, maybe you can come with me when i come back
and pick one out for yourself, it'll be on the house.
:) i miss you!
I miss you too.
ps -
what do you want it to entail?
don't seem to really cooperate when
its not something they're up for.
so we'll have to pack a shit load of tranquillizer
or something...
i want it to entail... a flag! (hehehe eddie was funnnnyyyy!)
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