Angst in a Big-shell: Janeway/Roslin

Jan 19, 2007 10:14

resolute asks what makes good angst? at a post in girlwank. So I re-posted this here for the benefit of the Janeway/Roslin fans:

Unconventional as this pairing is, I believe Janeway/Roslin (BSG/VOY) is angst-ridden in terms of multi-chapter fic, especially if fannon pairings like Janeway/Seven and Roslin/Starbuck are chucked into the picture. Actually, radak had this prolific idea that would result in an angst-fiesta.

Most of it comes from the fact that these two leaders have a tendency to work towards "what's best for their people", instead of on focusing on their personal desires and a chance at some form of tranquility (assuming they want peace and quiet).

Janeway certainly has a problem with that. Case in point: Chakotay. Put Janeway in a completely different setting, with completely different expectations of her, and she can actually contemplate on what she would want for herself as a woman. I should that's a scary, but titillating place to be. Though a lot would argue this.

Roslin, on the other hand, would probably use her sexual power, personal desire, to acquire her own ends. These two have so much in common in terms of responsibility and expectation. Janeway wants to get her people home in one piece. Roslin's looking for a home for her people, and to get the Colonials there in one piece. The good of the many versus the good of the individual is a common dilemma for these two; that they are moral figure-heads is another. The process by which they acquire what they want or do what they must is very different and can make for wonderful conflict.

For myself, it's usually a question of Starfleet morality vs. Colonial values, as they are figure-heads in their respective civilizations.

Personally, angst can be had when one or two parties just can't (or can) do what they want to do because of dire, universal consequences. :)

fandom: battlestar galactica, !fanfiction: meta, meta, fandom: st voyager

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