Little Notes for Great People

Dec 03, 2006 01:05

I feel a bit like a branch cut off from a tree, ignorant of what's happening to everyone else. I'm issuing a little shout out, to see how you all are. Little (love) notes for some people in my f-list below and lovin' all around:

Messages for the following: firewomyn, dark_beloved, asianscaper, cherrycoke23, bona_na_croin, the_coloratura, selvercy, sabermom, dimwethiel, jenijenjen, marktwinkabalos, yay_nipple_yay and tristanskye.

The Bunnies (firewomyn and dark_beloved)
Missing you both very much. Are you marching during Pride this Dec. 9? Can I march with you? Fire, I hope that your LA trip is going splendidly and I hope that you, Barbs, are having a great time at your new job. I loved the home-made candies you had us bring home during Samhain. I can't believe I haven't seen you guys since then. Staying in Tandang Sora does have its disadvantages. It takes almost an hour to get there by bike.

To asianscaper who is using my user name and cherrycoke23...
I hope Frisco's treating you both well. I have yet to taste Jamba Juice and breathe the air in SF. But I hear it's a great place to be biking, all those hills and stuff. Oh, and the water.

It must be quite cool there. The US will be experiencing snow and ice in a wider area, last I heard though I know it doesn't snow in SF. Nonetheless, I think it's a sign of mother earth's...irritation at the human race. The super typhoon that never was certainly proved a point here in the Philippines (yeah, it veered away from Manila and went south; how appropriate).

To bona_na_croin and the_coloratura...
I am eagerly awaiting the day that both pandora__ and I should crash your place. We've made a four year plan to get there by 2010, to mooch on your house and your internet. We have dreams and part of them is seeing you all satisfied and happy-like. Missing you, Janine, terribly; you've always been the better part of my brain and I have a feeling that part has gotten a whole lot wiser in the past year or so. As for you, Owlie-friend, I am waiting for the time you will be selling your stuffed bears. I wonder how much you've changed since high school and regardless, there's love from the Philippines for you and your sister.

To selvercy who lives nearby but whom I never see...
I've been perpetually wondering when we could hang out. We have yet to watch a BSG episode! And I'm all prepped for a sleepover ala BSG marathon. By the way, I just saw Peacekeeper Wars (Farscape). Remember that ambition of ours? To see, hear, and smell Ben and Claudia (friends daw); it may just come true if my production company flies off into the heavens. I really, really want to work on BSG's set someday and I hope that my credentials will someday get me there (even if I have to work as a janitor).

To sabermom, the super mom of them all...
How's Canada? It must be getting exceptionally cold there. I have yet to meet Saber! Handsome devil, gettin' all the girls ey? Talo pa tayo, I bet you. Anyway, I really miss our little kape sa kanto and those talks and the kagaguhan and everything. It just isn't the same without you here, especially now that we're planning a Drag King contest and that Pride is drawing nearer. Damn, I always thought you'd be around to watch me grow up but I know life for you there is much better and that you need all the peace, all the happiness, you can muster in this life. And you deserve it, yeah?

To dimwethiel who never ceased to make me feel better in spite of everything...
Love is an ever-changing thing, despite what people say. I think that if it were truly a constant, it would be incredibly boring, as we both learned the hard way, at the Bean, at random meetings. I hope to see you soon; got the impression that you're finally coming back home after a long while.

To jenijenjen, who is probably I don't know where...
What are your plans, my dear? I haven't heard from you and I hear that another job has passed you by. Are you taking on another one? I hope you finish your degree; I'm struggling through my fifth and last year and hoping very badly to graduate this semester. At the latest, during summer. Lopez is still killing the living daylights out of me, though and I still don't have a proposal. It's kinda dumb, considering how much time I've been given. Hope you're doing well, dearie.

To marktwinkabalos...
And you, my dear, how are you? Seeing you in school is always thrilling and I hope we can exchange real stories with coffee and laughter. Life always hands us shit and we have to make lemons of our lemonades but hey, living is an adventure, an experience. We should always be willing to ride the roller coaster and I'm glad you've shared some bit of that with me.

To yay_nipple_yay and her brother and her lovely family...
I'm still in the throes of gratitude for everything you've done for me. Have you heard from Rej? I haven't been able to get in touch with her lately. Anyhu, I'll be waiting for the L Word stuff to be returned. It is a soap, actually, but the great thing about it, is that it's a gay soap on cable that was aired on national TV in the US. It's a first and I think pioneering stuff have a place in my favorite list. I only actually liked the first season but beyond that, the melodrama fattened up my drama queen and blew her up. I hope your brother's doing well; I miss him, too, and his rather peculiar and adorable ways. It's great to run into you and Mikey every once in a while. Reminds me that I'm not all that removed from the world, even if I live in Tandang Sora.

To tristanskye, my evil twin in New York...
There will come a time when your bed will be with a companion and all embraces filled. I don't know how we both live in a world where certain people are sewn with new limbs, bestowed with new brains that we fabricate ourselves; these perhaps, are as ill-fitting as patches on a quilt. But imagination makes us laugh and gives us hope, no matter how dry or seedless or un-plantable they are. You're a great person and there will be fish for you that hold gold in their mouths. Once again, I speak in metaphor because you will honestly kill me if I was less than subtle.

To those not mentioned, I still love you. Love to everyone on the Frog's Friends List!

life: friends

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