Assorted Drabbles from All Sorts of Fandoms [Slash]

Oct 29, 2006 08:18

X-posted: femslash100

Title/s: The Delicious Laura Roslin
Author: frogfrizz
Fandom: BSG
Pairing: Cain/Laura, Kara/Laura/Lee
Rating: R
Summary: A very naughty president.

Title/s: Trysts by Moonlight
Author: frogfrizz
Fandom: Peter Pan/The Secret Garden
Pairing: Wendy/Mary
Rating: PG
Summary: The boys are left out when the girls come out to play.

Title/s: The Parting
Author: frogfrizz
Fandom: LOTR
Pairing: Eowyn/Galadriel
Rating: G
Summary: They were friends and then, Faramir happened.

Title/s: Without a Trace
Author: frogfrizz
Fandom: BSG/VOY
Pairing: Roslin/Janeway
Rating: G
Summary: Questions at the end of the world.

Title/s: Science and Pleasure
Author: frogfrizz
Fandom: ST DS9
Pairing: Jadzia/Kira
Rating: PG
Summary: Jadzia Dax has her reasons.

Title/s: Trapped!
Author: frogfrizz
Fandom: Alias/Tombraider
Pairing: Sydney/Lara Croft
Rating: R
Summary: It's dark, it's dank, and they're alone.

Title/s: Discovery
Author: frogfrizz
Fandom: VOY
Pairing: B'elanna/Seven
Rating: PG
Summary: Seven's just recently been severed from the Collective.

fandom: the secret garden, fandom: battlestar galactica, !fanfiction: meta, fandom: peter pan, fandom: alias, !fanfiction: my archive, fandom: lord of the rings, fandom: tomb raider, fandom: st voyager

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