Forgive me. But after academics, I needed to do some fan-girling.
I'm going to be estranged from the Battlestar Galactica fandom for a while, seeing that first, it's going to be a looooong haul 'til next season and we're probably going to need all the fic we can get over the summer. I'm gathering my secret powers for that, with the help of beach-hopping, skimboarding, trail-biking, soccer, and mountain-crossings (that means, vacation!).
Second, the supposed finale can't be downloaded (yet) due to technical difficulties (stupid broadband internet!!!) so I'm relying on numerous spoilers for the new and improved CYLON GOODNESS! I am sooo patting my back for writing
Cylon!Tory fic for my second smut-fest.
I've basically neglected my The L Word duties of late, partly because the second and third seasons were so lame, or rather, they trounced my TiBette ship and sank it that I was traumatized for life. But oh, Ilene Chaiken has made things somewhat better for season 4, because she gave the TiBette ship some floaters: kisses, touches, and oh-my-goodness sweetness!
I had to watch the final episode for season 4 on frakkin' YouTube but I didn't care. Bette was sweet, Tina obviously wants her (oh, my TiBette, you're ALIVE!), Dana was in Alice's head, and Alice is probably the funniest of them all ("save yourself!"). I was so bothered by the whole Paige/Shane thing, as I always have been since the beginning and I honestly believe that Carmen would be better for Shane. I'm liking Papi more and more, even if the whole Papi/Kit/Angus thing makes me cringe somewhat but Papi is cool for taking care of women (even if in the beginning I just didn't like her at all). I'm still beating Helena with a stick because I just don't understand her character anymore but I love her anyway?
Even if a lot of things have sucked thus far, I'm looking forward to season 5. So that's another long hiatus and the call for L Word TiBette fics has never been so strong. I want to write one! If only I could!
The Meetup Group really needs a fourth season marathon after exam week. Somebody has to provide the house!
Next fandom would be Heroes. I haven't actually written fanfic for this particular show partly because I'm so intimidated at the thought of putting them on the page; They're lovely as they are in canon. Also, there isn't much femslash to play with, except dopple-cest and the cheerleader but I do LOVE the ghey and sibling-cest and the complete wrongness of several different slashings one could play with. I find Sylar hot, because he's evil. And the Petrellis
Alias...I don't have the balls to watch Alias. I know it's going to be a roller-coaster ride, I'm going to be hooked for life, and I'll forever mourn the loss of Lauren (because she's much more interesting than Vaughn). However, I still have that Sydney/Lauren fic brewing in my brain. After I finished
the last one without ever watching the show, I'm quite confident that I can write a story about those two again. I'm really excited about writing this pairing in a quiet place, where I can actually come up with a plot and ease into a femslashy world of goodness.
I'm a new and screamy fan of The Global Frequence. They never actually aired it due to piracy and never bothered to film past the pilot episode. They should have put it on TV anyway because even if it leaked into the internet, I would've wanted it on my telly anyhow. It's that good and probably better than a lot of teh shayt on TV. Miranda Zero is just as hot as Admiral Cain (uh, duh...same actress! Same evil-ness!). Though Aleph's "You are on the Global Frequency" got campy after a while, but that's why I love it so much!
It pretty much echoed a format similar to Heroes, same feel almost. Secret agencies, the supernatural...and a strong female for a main character, who just rocked my socks so damned much that I'm beginning to think about picking up where this show left off and maybe put it on its feet if and when I start working for television. But that's a few years from now and hopefully, when I'm powerful and rich (hahaha!). This is second on my fandom fic assignment list because writing about Miranda Zero and Roslin is just...*brain melts because of hotness*
Rome. Oh ROME! I havent' had the TIME or the resources to pick up where I left off! And that was an entire season ago! I absolutely loved the full-on ghey they've put into this show, and I just love HBO for all that they've done (even if Duvall's lezzie moments were too short on Carnivale), dabbling into taboo. From all the cestiness that I've been hearing, I'm really missing quite a lot! I'll probably such buy the DVD set and put the pressure off my Azureus.
Of course, I love Grey's Anatomy because the red-haired beauty stole my heart and multiplied femslash by a hundred-fold. There is so much subtext on this show that it killz me! That, and it's entirely too much fun to watch! What I haven't had the guts for is writing femslash or any other kind of fic for the fandom. Partly because things set in the real world aren't my thing. I usually write sci-fi fan fic, because speculation takes on a whole new level that way. Then again, I've written L Word fic that nobody's ever seen. Bwahahaha!