My Life as a Fanfiction Writer

Mar 20, 2007 18:08

Froggy's FanFic To-do List (in no particular order except the first):
[Because I now have problems remembering these things. Judith Butler stole my brain!]

kwanboa - Alias || Lauren Reed/Sydney Bristow
* I don't have a great liking for Sydney's character though Lauren, with her own parallels to a certain BSG president has been fun to play with. The story I'm about to write is set after Lauren's purported death. And guess what, it happens in a beach here in the Philippines (well, if my plan goes right). I've always wanted a fic set in this fine country and knowing that I owe Ali my soul...well, this will probably be the first fic anybody will be reading when the summer starts. Ali's the bestest, she is and the sweetest. I'm planning a multi-part...again. And something fluffier from the last femslash Alias fic I wrote on these two.

projectjulie - Global Frequency/BSG Crossover || Miranda Zero/Laura Roslin
* I haven't gotten to the episode of Global Frequency that Julie uploaded for me but I'm starting to get a few ideas for this particular fic. I'm a big fan of 3,000++ worders, plot twists, and I have a meticulous eye for detail. I'd probably be very relentless when I write this, delving as I always have, into theory and Julie's own ideas regarding BSG. Why? Precisely because Julie's been the most accommodating academician I've met online and writing for her is a pleasure, and an honor.

For My Femslash Mafia (you know who you are!) - BSG || Laura Roslin/Tory, Kat/Starbuck :: 300 || Queen Gorgo/The Oracle
* I've only just acquired my smut skills and I've have been aching to put them to good use (practice!). However, seeing as I'm busy with school and everything else, these fics might take a while. I am doing fillers for BSG's "Maelstrom" and Episode 18, and knowing that somebody is high on chamalla, I think I'd be havin' fun with the president's skirts, too...oh, and not to mention the 6-month hiatus that will spawn an army of ficathons.
Seeing as I slash everything, including hot!men-filled war movies, I couldn't resist slashing 300 fem-tastically.
But a good friend has told me that femslash will always be there, and that opportunities tied to graduation will not. So priorities, priorities, yes?

spread-the-fear's Second Bondage Challenge
* which will be anything but boring. I skipped the first one, precisely because I hadn't been schooled in the finer points of smut by my gurus. That's for the summer, when school ends after this week (or the next!) because this comm makes me happy, no matter how deep in shayt I've been. So, yay to bondage! And Planet Paranoia! *giggles*

femslash100's Around-The-Clock Drabble Challenge
* another to keep my summer worthwhile, when I'm lounging at the beach with my brand new laptop *crosses fingers* and hopefully, when I've already graduated. I enjoy writing for this comm because of the 100-word limit challenge. Pretty much like writing poetry when one utilizes an economy words and the power of imagery. Now all I have to do is think of a claim...*rubs chin*


Froggy's Crazy Compulsion...

Feel free to list down fandoms, pairings, prompts, and any/all fic specifics you'd like me to write for the summer (and beyond!). Please justify why your story must be written. Because after thesis, it's a Froggy Fic Free-For-All! I'd want to start with the challenge now, so that I have something to look forward to (I love my f-list!).

You probably know the fandoms I write for. If you don't know, give me any prompt from any fandom, femslash or otherwise and I'll see if I can give it a dip.

I'll be updating this list and if I owe you one for beta'ing or general loveliness, then you definitely have a place in my fic-writing heart. I won't promise to write everything listed and there won't be a guarantee that your fic will be written this year, but I love your ideas, so bring 'em on!

ASIDE: I'm still beating myself on the head for missing femslash07, but hey...I'll be a better fic writer next year (uh, I hope), and maybe I'll do a better job then.

fandom: alias, fandom: battlestar galactica, !fanfiction: meta

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