Feb 26, 2011 15:49
.Contact Information.
[E-Mail] katesanthony@gmail
[Instant Messengers] dolecup [AIM]
[Preferred] AIM, but feel free to send me an email or PM!
[Backtagging] Backtagging is basically what I do always.
[Threadhopping] Threadhopping is totally allowed.
[Plotting] I am totally up for plotting! Feel free to IM me or post to my HMD or something.
[Offensive subjects] I'm pretty much up for anything with Tiana!
[What's okay to mention around him/her] If you bring up her daddy you're gonna get punched.
[Is there anything you need us to know about interacting with this character? Special physical features, special abilities, etc] Uhhh nope not really!
[Can I hack that strike or otherwise find out information they'd prefer to keep hidden?] She's pretty open so unless otherwise stated go for it.
[Can I troll/mindscrew/mess with in general?] Sure, why not.
[Can I spit at/jinx/step on/etc? (i.e. fighting)] She probably won't stand for it if you do!
[Can I flirt with/hug/kiss/use other means of non-violent physical contact with this character?] Go for it? She's not super touchy-feely but she won't, like, flip out or something.
[Anything else?] Not that I can think of!