(no subject)

Aug 02, 2007 20:38

Requested Fic!
For: vorpaleris!
Title: Sometimes It Just Takes A Friend
Involving: James and Peter
Word Count: 591
Rating: PG? I dunno. I suck at rating fics.
Prompt Given: Hero

James dismounted from his broom and threw it away from him angrily. Flying had always been able to work before, why the hell wasn’t it helping now? Flinging himself down onto the grass, he curled his fingers angrily into the soft grass. Goddamnit, why did Sirius have to be so stupid? Didn’t the silly git realise that he couldn’t just let Snape be killed? No matter how greasy and slimy and bloody assholeish he was?

In his frustration, James had failed to notice Peter coming out of the main door and jumped a little when the smaller boy sat down next to him. “Merlin, Peter, don’t do that!” Peter gave a nervous smile and mumbled an apology. James didn’t seem all that inclined to talk, appearing much more interested in wrenching up fistfuls of grass and throwing them away with a mulish look on his face. Anger surged through him, righteous anger at doing the right thing and finding himself mocked and ignored for it.

Putting a gentle hand on James’ arm, Peter stilled his angry movements. “James.” He paused, unsure of how to proceed. “Why don’t you come back to the common room?”

Apparently this was not the right thing to say. Radiating anger, James turned on him. “Oh yeah? What, so Sirius can tell me that I’m... what did he say?... a great Slytherin-loving, fun-hating, party-pooping buffoon who can’t appreciate a good joke? Or so that Moony can run up to dormitory and refuse to speak to anyone again? Or how about so that we can all sit around in awkward silence and pretend that someone didn’t nearly DIE?” He paused, his chest heaving. “Oh yeah, Wormtail. That sounds fun.” Even to Peter, who could be rather slow, the sarcasm was evident and he flinched.

Peter sighed, and as his hand was still on James’ arm he squeezed it gently. “You know Sirius will come round. He’s just angry because he’s feeling so guilty.” James’ eyes widened at this insight from Peter, of all people, but shook his head sadly. “I just can’t believe that he’s angry with me for saving Snape’s life!” he exclaimed. “Doesn’t he know what might’ve happened?” Peter felt a surge of affection for his hero at the look of mingled exasperation and wry amusement on James’ face. Amiably, he remarked “Well, I think it was really brave of you. Heroic, really.”

James smiled at him. He could never resist a plumping of his ego, and Peter really was quite sweet to say so. Throwing an arm around his pudgy friend, he leaned against him, taking comfort in the warm solidness of his body. “Thanks, Wormy. What would we do without you?” Turning to look at Peter, James sucked in a breath at the look in his friend’s eyes. Peter’s words were almost whispered as he leant in to be close to James. “It really was the right thing to do, Prongs.” A breath passed, and later neither of them could remember which one had leant in to the other. Perhaps it was both of them, but one thing was certain - they both remembered the clumsy kiss that followed, the sweet fumble of their lips together, hands awkwardly touching.

Leaning back, Peter’s eyes were full of their old nervousness. He’d always admired James, but had he gone too far this time? James spoke, relieving his fears. “So flying didn’t help - but that certainly did!” And leaning in again, he captured Peter’s lips in a kiss that was full of the confidence that Peter admired so much.

I hope you like it, Jenna!
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