My poor brainmeal

Feb 13, 2007 21:39

For about a month now, a construction crew has been renovating our apartment building. The entire process has been a real pain for me, since they start at 8am, waking me up much earlier than I am used to. Sadly, years of being a night person means that I just do not function well before 10am... and for a solid month I have been one grumpy bastard. Then one day they rip out the windows and doors to replace them, leaving me in 19 degree weather for awhile. So then I got a cold and became even more grumpy. So, now they seem to be wrapping things up and have begun painting the building, and since I cannot escape my cave easily, I am having a nice huge fume headache right now. I hope they're truly done soon, else I will have to devour a few souls as repayment for my suffering.

Aside from that, things are slow once more. The majorly uber work project has wrapped up and we are beginning the phases for the next few projects in between bouts of vacation time etc. I still haven't taken any time off for working a few 60 hour weeks, but I haven't felt the need yet. For now, I think I shall retire to the living room and relax. z_z
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