Jan 02, 2006 07:01
It has been quite some time since I posted anything here even though I check my friend's list multiple times daily. So in the spirit of fairness and peer pressure, I've decided to lay off the laziness and grace LJ with my gloriously grammartasticless prose. As for the lack of updates, I have a few rules about what I will and will not post sometimes. Keep in mind that these rules are not really rules, but more guidelines for posting, and not so much guidelines as suggestions, or even something I just made up to save face.
1) No drama... unless it is funny. Whine-filled, hormone-laden drama is everywhere. If you want to get your fill of angst, go elsewhere. Like any proper, emotionally pent-up citizen, I don't air my dirty laundry in public, I keep it in huge piles hidden from view.
2) No self-praise... unless it is funny, which is usually isn't. I don't need to tell everyone how awesome I did at work, or how I finally filled my free sandwich punch card at the Local Healthy Sandwich Place. You don't want to hear it, and I don't want to type it. I'm not saying that you can't say how awesome you are in your own journal, but I've never felt the need to add +1 to my self esteem by posting lame attaboys in an LJ post.
3) No memes... I hate them, mostly because by the time I see them, everyone has already taken them and posted the results to their LJ. :( That and no one gives a shit what kind of Harry Potter Candy I am, or 'If your sex life was a member of the Boston Pops, which instrument would you play'. No, I don't want to answer five questions about you just so you can do the same for me. I can barely remember five facts about myself on a daily basis, how the hell am I going to keep up with the rest of you? I'm doing good just to get the first letter of your names right.
4) No posts full of links to things I find funny. I've broken this rule before, and as I've looked through my own archives I've noticed one thing: None of this crap is funny. I'm not sure what I was thinking when I posted these things, but right now it looks as though I had a momentary case of the dumbasses. I love it when other people link stuff, and that's the main reason I visit my friend's page: to see what other people find amusing so I can keep up. Apparently I don't have the skill required to find funny things and link them before they're already cliched and/or not funny. Damn.
5) You don't care about my WoW characters. Why should I tell you how awesome I'm doing on my Warlock, or that I've stopped playing my hunter because everyone else and their elderly grandmother is playing one now? I can barely drum up enough caring to talk about my characters, much less write up an LJ post filled with amusing WoW related anecdotes and screenshots that may or may not show a PvPer humping my horribly mangled corpse.
6) My job is boring. I can barely explain what I do for a living without someone falling asleep immediately. Don't get me wrong, I absolutely love my job, but putting it into words would leave you begging to read about how I filled my free sandwich punchcard at the Local Healthy Sandwich Place. Besides, even after 18 months I still don't know just what the hell it is I do.
That's about it for my rules/guidelines/excuses. However, the main reason why my LJ is silent is because I'm lazy, really lazy. Time spent posting is time I could have spent ubering something or someone, and that is just time and energy I cannot afford to lose most of the time. Not much has changed in that regard, but it's pretty easy to belt out a post while watching auctions in WoW, so here I am.
In the future, I plan on reviewing games that I play, of which there are many. However, I wouldn't expect reviews of games you actually want to play. I'll be too busy playing them to write up an entertaining review. The best you'll get is something like 'Play Dragon Quest VIII or you won't be popular.' Anyhow, if you're like me, you only read the reviews in magazines for the really bad games. I could really care less what some jackass thinks about Soul Calibur III, but when someone describes Big Mutha Truckers 2: Truck Me Harder as 'The only game that made me wish I hadn't sold Beyond the Beyond' it just makes me want to read on!
Don't look for too much personal information here, I just hate writing about myself... mostly because I'm horribly boring and I don't need it confirmed in print. If you want to know how my personal life is going, send me an IM! My contact informat is conveniently listed in my user profile so all the spambots can send me all sorts of neat spyware.
In conclusion, bronze bars are a really uber way of making money. t('.'t )