(no subject)

Jul 27, 2008 23:00

I never post much so I forget where i left off. I moved. Im sure I posted that.

School didnt pan out how I expected. All well. Always something different I can try.

So my period is fucked up every month. Im bad about keeping it wrote down. My kids keep me scattered brain. Every month its later and later. I take a preg test every month. I cant remember exactly when I had it last month. I know it was sometime after my vaction and before school started. That was all within a week. Towards the begginingish maybe a bit later of the month in June. Its still not here. I ttok a preg test. Negative as usual thank god. But I dont know whats going on. No med insurance. Im calling planned parent hood in the morning to see how much this will cost. I need to get checked out. Its freaking me out. So who knows...

Kaiden is going to be 2 next month. His party is going to be in deigo and dora. Not my choice. The 2 yr olds choice. lol. Im just about done with the party stuff tho. I need to get school shopping done soon. Aug 20th is when Josh start kindergarden *cries*

Still working. I want to quit but my schedule rocks. The pay sucks. I think Im going to stick around until after K's b-day and school starts. Im off every day I need to be off for the month of aug.

I want to do something else besides heath care tho. I dont know what. WO a degree your choices are limited bc we all know money makes the world go round. A resident of mine passed away. Ive had a few die that upset me. But this lady was like a grandma to me. Ive only worked there a yr but I just became close with this woman. Her visitation is tomorrow then shes being burried in KY. I cant go tho. Funerals are for me. I honestly feel like a family member died. I just dont want to deal with this again. So I dont know what Im going to do. Time will tell.

I may upload some pics if I can get my photobucket to open. Ive been having problems with it recently.
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