(no subject)

Jan 16, 2008 20:50

Hey sorry Im randomly MIA sometimes. Im still here I just dont post alot.

Things are good right now. Work was okay today.

Josh turned 5 sunday. We had a party at skateway with all of his friends. He had a blast!!! My baby is getting so big:(

I went an got my nails redone after work. I went to walmart last time and they were so crappy. I had black tips well I went to this place by burger king this time and they did such a better job. I got pink tips and she put a stripe of silver glitter on it. The pink is more red than what I thought, Its really pretty and they did a really good job but its kinda flashy and not really my style plus they are a little longer than what I like but all well. I can deal with it for 2 weeks. They did a super good job though.

Kaiden is talking so much and getting so big:( Hes using more and more words everyday and putting them together.

Oh and BTW eve though you deleted your lj Im sure you have many fake ones so Im sure your still reading this bc your a loser like that. Oh and Im sure you will fail your test. I give you 2 months tops before you drop out. Sry. Eventually when ppl say the same thing about you its probably true so when you think your that bad of a person its probably true....

Okay Im done:) I need to go find something to eat Im hungry.
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