Jan 11, 2012 21:50
I was going to write a proper review/reaction, but now I can't be bothered.
It doesn't help that I didn't like this episode all that much. I can't say exactly why...especially when the fan reaction has been largely positive. I think it was that the episode was just...too predictable. And implausible in places. I mean, hacking into the CIA's top secret database with a single six-digit password? Really? REALLY? And then suddenly everyone had a gun. What the fuck. I also didn't like how "HOUND" was an acronym. It seemed wayyy too corny. I would've preferred UMQRA, which at least sounded cooler.
The one positive? The Sherlock/John relationship really got taken to new heights in this episode. I mean, dear god, if they weren't married enough already...
Also, woobie!Sherlock sweating and terrified was so goddamned fucking adorable. I honestly thought he was faking at first. To get John to do what he wanted. But when I found out he wasn't acting and was genuinely scared, I was just like "awwwww a'dawwwww let me hug you Sherlock >3<"
And Sherlock admitting that John was his only friend? Cutest moment of the episode.