Aug 10, 2011 07:57

Woke up to this today.

I....definitely have mixed feelings.

On one hand, OMG MORE TIGER & BUNNY HOLY FUCK SQUEEEEEEEEE. On the other, shit shit shit what if they screw up the second season???

Things I'm afraid will happen:

1) Material that was planned to be in the first season will be chopped off and added to the second instead. Namely, THE ENDING.
The second season will then be full of filler until the planned ending of the first season is reached.

2) The second season covers completely new material and continues where the first season leaves off. Or at least attempts to continue. The second season will then come up against continuity issues and will end up ruining the overarching plot/tone of the first season.


All in all, I want to be excited. I really do. But there are so many things that I'm worried will go wrong that I can't help but be a little wary at the the news.

reactions, tiger & bunny

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