Tiger & Bunny Episode 17 Pixiv Translations

Jul 29, 2011 01:28

Wow, this took me like five tries to get posted, as Livejournal was being fantastically buggy.

Okay, so first off, I just want to apologize for the long gap between this update and the last one. Apparently, I fail at sticking to schedules, especially my own orz 
I've been busy with various real-life things as well as drawing fanart and fooling around on tumblr (yeah, I know I have no one to blame but myself for the last two things.) But anyways, I'm back, and will try to get updating more frequently, but I can't promise updates every week because...I fail.

All right, so I do want to put in a quick word of warning about this first comic:


If this isn't to your taste, please scroll past it down to the next comic ^_^

All right, so now that I've got the attention of those that are still interested, I just want to put a little note out there for anyone who's proficient in Japanese. There was a word, 荒ぶった, that I couldn't for the life of me figure out the meaning of. The word didn't seem to be too related to the verb 荒ぶる because the sentence it was in was "この荒ぶった日記." Urk, if anyone has any idea at all what this means, I would be really grateful. I just left it out of the translation, and luckily it didn't impact the meaning too much. It was just frustrating not being able to figure out what that word was. >_<

Anyways, let's begin!!!!!!!

Original viewable here: http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=manga&illust_id=20570657
Artist: ニジノケニー (http://www.pixiv.net/member.php?id=1042520)

Afterword: Oh God, so as much as Kaede was a huge pervert in this one, I'm pretty sure I would have a similar freak-out if my parents ever found my bl/yaoi collection. And Kaede, where the hell did you get those doujinshis from??? O_o And those nude photographs??? What have you been doing behind your grandmother's back?????

This next one's kind of sad, by the way...I'm sorry if you don't like sad things...
Oh Tomoe ;__;

Original viewable here: http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=big&illust_id=20624114
Artist: こまつ (http://www.pixiv.net/member.php?id=489433)

translations, pixiv, tiger & bunny

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