New beginning.

Sep 18, 2006 21:09

A few things.

I decided it was time for a new start. A lot of my old entries are irrevelant now, and some I just want to forget.

This LJ is Friends Only. Add me, and you will most certainly be added back. :D

-If you don't ever talk about things other than TV shows, music, whatever, I don't think we'll be very close. I like to actually know a person, not just their fanbase. (This does not mean I hate fandomness. I love it. But I prefer if you have a personality aswell.)
-If you aren't very interesting, don't expect me to comment very often. I'm quite glad to say my current flist are all amazing, but seriously. I don't want to know what you're wearing, if some old guy down the street is cutting his hedge..
-Let's be nice, yeah? And if I'm having an emo moment, telling me to "get over it" won't help.
-Update regularly.
-At least comment when you can. I don't really like being ignored.